Page 38 of Because of the Dar

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My smile dimmed a little. "I'm serious, Wes." My voice was lower now. "What are you doing?"

He shrugged, his lips still quirked up. "I have no fucking clue, MOAB Girl." After a pause, he added, "I guess you intrigue me."

"Intrigue? Jesus Christ, you're more messed up than I am. And what's with you addressing me with the model of my car?" I giggled like a little girl. What the hell? He brought out a side of me I forgot existed.

"Never said I wasn't." He sobered a little. "King."

When he called me by my name, not MOAB Girl, something shifted again. It was like he formed a connection between us, and before I could stop myself, I said, "My name is Kingsley. Kingsley Monroe." Quickly I added, "But everyone calls me King. Besides Kiwi, but that's a whole different story. We've known each other—"

Oh, God, what was I doing?

My eyes bulged in shock as I realized all that I just laid out for him. I glanced around in an almost wild panic. What if he gave my name to Lilly? She could easily find out—


Fuck, now I really needed to leave and—

Two large hands landed on my shoulders. "King."

I focused on Wes, and concern was shining in his blues. I pressed my lips together to keep from spilling more details about myself.

He seemed to understand, and his hands moved upward until he framed my face. He stepped closer until we were mere inches apart. I squeezed my eyes shut and fought the urge to lean into him.

This was not how this was supposed to go.

"Look at me, please."

I could smell the cocoa he must've had while I was in class. I slowly peeled my lids back and found him studying me.

"There you are." He huffed out a laugh. "Listen…" He glanced to the side before focusing back on me. "Let's see what happens."

See what happens?

He continued, "I have no idea what's going on. Why you followed me, or who you are. How you know so much about me. But if I'm honest—and I have thought about it a lot since you stood on top of that bar—I don't give a flying fuck."

I burst out laughing at the absurdity of this.

"Wes, you need to stay away from me. I'm not good for you." I sighed. "I should've never followed you from TMH."

His thumb caressed my cheek. "I've heard that already."

My eyebrows jolted up. "Oh?"

He chuckled. "Yeah, Devon—or Kiwi, as you call him—made that clear the night you bailed from the bar."

That little shit, I cursed inwardly. "He didn't tell me."

"I figured."

His grip on my head tightened, and I wanted to lean my forehead against his chest, but I forced myself to hold his gaze.

"Let's see what happens, 'kay?"

My eyes bounced between his. I should have said no. Every cell in my body screamed in wild terror to say no.

"Okay," I whispered.


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