Page 37 of Because of the Dar

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My chest constricts, and I suck in a breath. Hearing those words out of his mouth…directed at another girl…

Wes hangs up and pockets his phone. He stares down at me as if he wants to say something, but then stops himself.

I inwardly squirm from the way he studies me.

He changes his grip and interlaces our fingers. "Let's go."

As he takes a step, I'm rooted to the floor, gaping at our joined hands. My heart is thundering. What is he doing? What amIdoing? I need to stay away from him.

"King?" His tone is gentle. For the first time, there is no smug taunt.

I can't form words. The feel of his rough palm in mine… I swallow over the lump in my throat and meet his eyes.

"I'm only walking you to class."

Is he saying that for my benefit? Why would he need to hold my hand to walk me? Is this a game? What if someone sees us?

I should let go of Wes for so many reasons. None of them matter as he waits for me. Does he expect me to push him away?

I inhale deeply and whisper, "Okay."

He nods, and we turn in the direction of my next lecture simultaneously.

As we make our way down the hallway and out of the building, curious eyes follow us. Girls give me their best elevator glance. Boys who never noticed me suddenly pay attention—everyone knows Wes. He squeezes my hand, and I tighten my fingers around his.

This will end badly.

I'm placingfour cocktails on the bar—one cosmo, one appletini, and two strawberry daiquiris. Gag. It is a miracle I serve them with a straight face to the platinum-blonde bimbos ogling Wes. He's been camped out at his usual table for the past hour. Shortly after he arrived, Kai also made an appearance. The two are now chatting as if they have always hung out at The Grizz.

I glance over to him as I pour a beer from the tap, and Wes's eyes immediately find mine. My stomach somersaults, but I force the grin threatening to overtake my features down.

Nope, do not show how much today has affected you.

After he had walkedme to my class, I expected that to be it. But no, as soon as I came out of the lecture, he was leaning on the wall to the right of the door, arms crossed over his chest, one foot against the wall, acting as if that was the most natural thing in the world.

Noticing him there, I stopped short, as if I'd run into an invisible barrier, making some of the actual students bump into me in the process.

When I didn't move and the curses behind me got louder, he pushed off the wall and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, guiding me out of the way. "Ready?"

Unable to stop myself or ask questions, I let him lead me outside. With the weight of his arm over my shoulders and the heat radiating off his body, my lady parts didn't know what to do: close up shop in a nervous panic or prepare for a possible…for what, really? I felt as if I was being pulled into opposite directions by two Humvees. What was he doing?

Outside in the main quad, I finally regained some control and dug my heels in.

"Stop!" My command was shrill, and several heads turned. Shit.

Wes obeyed but didn't remove his hold, peering down at me.

"I…" I disentangled myself from him and rubbed my palms over my face. Dropping my arms to my sides, I stared past him. What was I going to say? "I…" I started again, then drew in a deep breath. "I told you that I want nothing to do with you. Why won't you leave me alone, Weston?"

Calling him by his full name sounded weird, but I had to put distance between us somehow.

Wes cocked his head and rubbed his chin with his thumb and forefinger before stuffing his hand into the front pocket of his MPU hoodie. "That's a great question."

Uh, what?

My brows furrowed, and he barked out a laugh. I involuntarily smiled at his genuine display of emotion, a tingling sensation spreading through my every limb until I almost felt weightless. How odd. Was that…happiness?

My reaction seemed to be what he was waiting for, because he grinned from ear to ear. This guy was so confusing to me.
