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“Owen is going to be thirteen soon. They’re pretty close in age.”

“You can bring him here with you while you work. The offer still stands. I guess you have your reasons for not.” He hoped it wasn’t because he had been so mean and grumpy. He hadn’t meant to be like that and keep her son away.

“He’s been staying overnight at one of his coach’s houses so he can go to baseball practice on Saturday mornings. That’s why I haven’t brought him on Friday nights. I was going to come on Mondays, but I haven’t been able to make it out because I’ve been doing inventory in my store so I’ll be able to leave it a little easier without the ladies having to do any extra work.”

“You’re planning on coming out on Mondays?”

“I was hoping to.”

He wasn’t sure where the next words came from, but before he knew it, his mouth was opening and he said, “How would you guys like to eat Easter dinner with us?”

The offer was so out of the blue her mouth dropped open and her eyes bugged out.

“I can see I shocked you. I... It was a dumb idea.” What was he thinking? He had never invited company to his house...ever. Not here in North Dakota. And before, he’d been single with a demanding baseball career. He didn’t entertain people.

“I’m sorry. You just surprised me. But I think that would be nice. Owen and Kendrick can get to know each other.” She glanced at the clock on the wall and said, “Oh!” She pushed back from the table. “I didn’t realize how late it was! I’d better get back to work. That was a whole hour. I did not mean to take that long.”

“Relax. I’m the one who suggested we eat out here in the kitchen. And...thanks for talking.”

He wanted to thank her for the wisdom she’d shared. It had been coinciding with what he had been learning and thinking, and it had shifted his mind, giving him the idea that he needed to start going in a different direction.

The first thing he needed to do was take control of his thoughts.

That would completely change his life. If he could do it.

Chapter 13

According to my husband of 33 years it’s working opposite schedules so we’re not together long enough to fight! - Lisa from NJ


Saturday morning, Peyton’sbakeshop was the busiest it had ever been. The rush started at six AM and didn’t let up.

She had decided to bake a second breakfast dish, one that was more savory, a tater tot bake, and by eight AM, she was wishing she had four casseroles of it rather than just two, since the first one was already gone, and the second one was disappearing faster than she had dreamed.

“I’m selling more food than I am books,” she laughed with Shasta when Shasta came in with Sadie before she headed to work at the garage.
