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“Yeah, they probably are,” Peyton agreed, not wanting to argue about it.

“You capitulated way too easily,” Sadie accused her.

She shrugged. She could not explain it and wasn’t sure she wanted to.

“We’re trying to get to the bottom of this. Do you or don’t you have a crush on Bryce?”

Peyton froze.

Did she?

Did she want to admit it?

Her instinct was to hide it, to deny it, because she didn’t want to have a crush on anyone. She’d been married. She’d hated it. He cheated, and her entire life had been completely trashed.

She did not want to go through that again.

But just because she had a crush on someone didn’t mean they were getting married the next day.

“I don’t think I have a crush on him. I do find him attractive and mysterious. What woman can resist a man who is a mystery?”

“Yeah, those tall, dark, and handsome types.”

“Only he’s not dark, his hair is probably sandy brown, and those blue eyes—” Peyton wanted to slap her hand over her mouth. She shouldn’t have mentioned the eyes again.

“Someone is really hung up on these eyes. I feel like I need to go drive out and see what you’re talking about.”

Peyton shook her head. “Just ignore me. I don’t even like blue eyes.” Her ex had blue eyes, and she never thought she’d fall for a pair of baby blues again.

She wasn’t falling.

“But you’re admitting you’re attracted to him?” Shasta jumped on that immediately.

“No.” Peyton spoke immediately. Then she relented. “Maybe. I don’t know. It doesn’t matter. There’s never going to be anything between us. I do find him interesting, and I have found myself thinking about him way more than I should be, but that doesn’t mean anything. Once I’m done with the library, I’ll never be out there again.”

“Okay,” Shasta said, like she didn’t really believe her, but she was going to let it go for now. “Nolt and I were wondering if you and Owen wanted to come to our house for Easter dinner after church?”

Oh boy. After the conversation they just had, they were going to flip when she said this. “Bryce invited Owen and I out to his house for Easter dinner. So I think we’re going to do that.”

“Oh yeah. She’s not falling for him.” Shasta looked at Sadie, and they rolled their eyes.

“His daughter’s coming. She’s just a little bit younger than Owen. I can work Saturday night after we’re done here, and our kids can play together. That’s all.”

“So he’s cooking?” Sadie asked, and then her eyes got big. “You mean he cooks too?” she asked, since everyone knew a woman couldn’t resist a man who cooks.

“I... I don’t know?” Peyton said. “I assume so. Since he invited me out for dinner. But I’ve never seen him make anything but sandwiches.”

“You guys have eaten together?”

Peyton nodded.

“In the kitchen together?”

“Yeah. Yesterday we did.” Did that mean something special? She kind of felt that way at the time, but it was interesting that her friends read that into it too.

“So you’re out there, supposedly working, but instead you guys are hanging out in the kitchen eating together?” Sadie said, laughter in her voice, but her intelligent eyes weren’t missing anything.

“I spend most of my time working, but I’m out there for such long hours, I have to eat.”
