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It didn’t matter. It was what it was. The bigger issue for Peyton was that Bryce’s daughter seemed to view Peyton and Owen as a threat.

She understood why Bryce wanted them there. It helped him break the ice with his daughter in case he couldn’t find anything to talk to her about or relate to her with. But their presence wasn’t making things better; they were making things worse. And she couldn’t stay.

Taking a breath, hoping that Bryce understood what she was doing, she spoke.

“I think Owen and I had better go home.”

“I thought you were staying all night? We were going to make Easter dinner in the morning? I assumed we’d go to church together.”

Her eyes dropped to Kendrick, then she looked back at Bryce, hoping the answers were written on her face. “Maybe we’ll see you there.”

Bryce nodded. He seemed to understand. At least he didn’t seem angry or upset. “Kendrick? Is it okay if I walk them to their car?”

Kendrick’s face registered surprise that her dad would ask her permission. But then she nodded.

“Mom, I’d better put this ball glove away. I’ll meet you at the car.” Owen held his glove up as he spoke. Then he looked at Kendrick. “Would you give me a hand?”

She gave an uncertain glance at her dad, but then she smiled at Owen, like she was happy someone so much older than she was had included her.

Bryce waited until the two kids started to walk away before he turned to Peyton.

“I’m sorry,” he said simply.

“No. Don’t be.”

“I didn’t realize she was going to be jealous.”

“I think that’s the problem. She’s not secure in her place with you. So she feels very threatened by us.”

“Do you think I can do something to fix that?” He sounded uncertain. It was obvious to Peyton that he really wanted a good relationship with his daughter.

“She was asking me questions. I didn’t feel like it was my story or even my information to give her. But I did tell her that you loved her. That the reason you did the things you did was because you thought they would be the best for her.”

“Do you think she’s too young to understand that?”

Peyton shook her head. “I don’t think so. She loves you. And... I think she feels the rejection from both parents. Being that her mom isn’t around, and you haven’t been either, I think... I think she feels unloved.”

“But I’m doing all of this out of love!” Exasperation filled his voice, and he threw a hand up, indicating everything.

Peyton took a step closer. She could feel the pain in his heart. Feel the frustration at not having made the right decision. Not being able to express what he wanted to, and the person who meant the most in the world to him didn’t understand. She put a hand on his arm, and immediately he froze, his eyes shooting to hers, dark and turbulent.

“I know you are. It’s so obvious to me you love her. That you want the best for her. That you thought that was what you were doing. I think Kendrick will understand too. But she probably wants to spend time with you. Wants to do things with you to build a relationship. Not just have you pay for her from a distance.”

“Do things to build a relationship?”

Peyton smiled, nodding. Loving that he was so concerned about wanting his daughter to know he loved her. It was obvious he would do whatever it took. “Sure. You build a relationship with someone by spending time with them. Talking to them. Doing things with them. Doing things for them. Gifts, compliments, encouragement. Just hanging out, not saying anything. All of that helps to build a relationship with someone.”

“But that can’t work. Not when being with me is going to cause her pain.” He pointed to his face, making a circle around all of his scars.

“I don’t even see those anymore when I’m with you,” Peyton said softly.

“How can you not? They’re the most obvious thing about me.”

“They’re just a part of you. I don’t think about them.” She hesitated, because maybe she shouldn’t say what she was about to. “I do admire the way you move. Watching you play ball with Owen... You’re graceful, not in a feminine way, but in a confident, manly way that’s very appealing.”

Some of the turbulence in his eyes dissipated, and they seemed to smile just a little.

“You were watching.” His lips twitched.
