Page 125 of And Then I Kissed Him

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I tugged on Sam’s towel and let it drop to the ground. “Come now. We got to get dressed.”

“I much preferred if you got me naked to leave me undressed.” Sam sighed. “Maybe later. We got to go to lunch.”

Like every other Sunday, we were hosting a family lunch. It was a special one today because it would be the last one before the twins were born. Due date was in four days.

Lunch was great, with the best food cooked by Sam and enjoyed in the best of company. This was the most amazing family I could ever have asked for. How my father would have loved this. He would have adored Sam the most. Just like him, Sam was the most doting father. Between cooking, eating and mingling, Sam always found time to play around with our eldest son, cooing on our younger boy and did his best to get along with his eldest girls’ boyfriends. Every ten minutes or so, Sam would come over to touch my belly and check on me. After two boys and now that his twins are grown up, Sam was even more excited for the arrival of two baby girls. He couldn’t wait for his newest daddy’s girls.

“Come on everyone,” Dora ordered at us. “Robert’s got the camera ready. Everyone come gather around. Sam, help your wife. Stella, you hold Phoenix. Luna, go get Blaine. Joe, cram in. You too, Luna’s boyfriend. Remind me your name again? Right, Marcus. Come on now. A family picture.”

Robert had set up the camera on its tripod and set its timer before running back to our gathered group. One, two, cheese!

“What are you thinking?” I wrapped my arms around Sam from behind his chair as he checked the photo on the camera.

Sam grinned widely. “My very own day and night.”

That’s what Sam called us. His parents were his universe, Luna and Stella were his stars and moon, I was his sunshine and our children were his rainbow. Blaine’s name meant yellow, Pheonix meant red, and our twins Livia and Violet meant blue and purple. Yes, of all the baby names in existence, we choose to name our kids for colours. And yes, once upon a time, I was convinced I lacked maternal instinct but now, I had two kids, another two on the way and my husband just kept on trying to convince me for more pregnancies to complete our rainbow.

“You look about to pop, Luc.” Joe showed up beside me and peeked my cheek.

“Sure feels like it too.”

“You sure it’s not going to happen in the next minute?”

“I wouldn’t be surprised.”

“Can’t wait to meet my nieces. I should warn you, I’m going to be their favourite uncle and spoil them rotten.”

“You’re their only uncle.”

“Didn’t hear that.” Joe cleared his throat and rounded me to stand before Sam. “Hey Sam. I’ve been meaning to talk to you.” He pulled out a ring box discreetly from his pocket and showed it to Sam. “Figured you’d have my head if I don’t get your permission to propose to your daughter first.”

“She’s not even born yet and you want to marry her?”

“Don’t be a smartass for once, man. You know I mean Stella.”

Sam stood up from his chair, towering over Joe. “You, marrying my daughter?”

“Told you it was not a frivolous affair from the day I asked for your permission to take her out on the first date five years ago. Now I’m asking your approval to marry her.”

“But it’s only been five years.”

“You hypocritcal ass. You had your woman on a first date, down the aisle and got her pregnant in less than a year. Just say yes, man. I’ll be doing this with your approval or not.”

“Hold on now. You didn’t…” Sam pointed a stern finger at Joe.

“What, no? In five years, all I’ve done was court your daughter like the perfect gentlemen.”

My elbow struck out at Sam. Despite my excitement at Joe’s impending engagement, I held my emotions back until Sam dealt with own. “Hey, sweetheart, you love your girl enough to be tempted to say no just to hold on to her for longer. But you also love Stella enough to wish her happiness with a man who will take care of her as wonderfully as you did. She will always be your girl. Just say yes.”

I clung onto his arm, kissing his shoulder and caressing his back. I knew just the way to persuade my man with the tiniest gestures.

“Close that damn box, idiot.” Sam spoke at Joe through clenched teeth. “You don’t have to keep holding it at me like you’re proposing to me. Stella’s going to see it before you fucking grow the balls to do it.”

“Watch your mouth.” I reminded him of the kids around us.

“Is that a yes?” Joe pocketed the box with quivering hands of enthusiasm.

“I’m not punching you, am I?”
