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“How did you know?” I asked.

“I know both of you well, remember? And I’ve been spending time sitting across from you two for a few weeks now. Your chairs are always bumping one another accidentally on purpose. Plus I’ve seen my fair share of women falling for Sam’s charms. Surprised you lasted this long actually. The man is more a panty dropper now than he was before.”

“Joe, we’re just friends. You know I’ve been friendly with Sam for a while, with him being my boss and all. Now he’s my friend-friend.”

The hand Joe rested on my car suddenly turned into a fist. “Are you trying to convince me or yourself? Cause that’s a lie and we both know it. I saw you with him. Out of office… At the beach.”

“You were there?” This was even more surprising. He knew where I’d go and he came. Of course he came. He always did. Except this time, I didn’t expect him to.

“I had to make sure you were alright. Was worried you’d be alone.”

No use hiding behind my finger now. “It just happened, Joe. Sam and I, we didn’t plan anything. I was drunk one night and we kissed. It wasn’t—“

“You were drunk?” I could see the gears in his head working in reverse. “The business dinner. That’s when he kissed you.”

“Actually,Ikissed him. It wouldn’t have happened if I sober.”

“You kissed your best friend’s enemy.”

“I was so lonely and sad. Everything you were doing back then – your late nights, your no-shows, your silence – you pushed yourself away from me. Maybe not intentionally but you did. You just weren’t there. And Sam, he was. He was constantly there for me.”

“I’m sure he offered more than just his shoulder.” His tone held a hint of cynicism.

“Joe.” I chastised him with my abrupt tone. “Please don’t hold all this against Sam. If there’s anyone at fault, that’s me. Me, not Sam.”

Joe scoffed with utmost derisiveness. “Not hold it against Sam. So you’re telling me he refused your kiss, that he didn’t enjoy it. That he didn’t take more than that.”

I shrugged a shy shoulder. This was weirdly uncomfortable. Discussing my new-friend-slash-ex-lover with an ex-friend-slash-ex-lover.

“Come on, Joe. It’s not like I cheated on you.”

“You cheated on our friendship.”

And then it hit me. The guilt. Another reason why kissing Sam was wrong. It was like I went against Joe. Like I didn’t just hide it from him, but I cheated on him.

“Joe, I…”

He stopped me with a raised hand. Surprisingly his face was soft.

“Are you sure you want someone like him? Is hereallythere for you?”

“He’s very good to me. You know him. You know what a gentleman he is.”

“Will anyone ever be good enough for my girl?” And there was his smile at me. At his girl. Joe never called me that before.

I expected more anger from him. I expected him to be furious that out of all the men I could have kissed, I chose Sam. But he wasn’tthatangry. He was still smiling.

“So are you okay with this?” I couldn’t help but grin back at him. “We do have to work together all three of us.”

Joe took my hand in his, clutched it tightly. “I’ve been thinking about us.” He looked deep into my eyes. Suddenly his face had become too stoic to read. “Luc, maybe we shouldn’t be friends anymore.”

That was another surprise perfectly timed with the raindrops pouring from the sky again. “Is it because…”

“Think about it, Luc. We tampered with our friendship. Our sex, as good as it was, it messed us up. There’s always going to be this kind of weirdness between us. Even more so now that you’re getting warm and cosy with my enemy.”

I took my hand away from his like it burned. “Our sex didn’t mess us up. It was you who ruined us. You were the only one I needed in my world. But you pushed me away, left me all alone. I needed you. I even fought for you. Too bad you were so busy ignoring me that you didn’t even notice any of this happening around you.”

Joe’s face dropped into a grimace. My words had hit him right where they meant to hit. I know he was now realizing his actions, that my words were true.
