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“You’ve been in my life for so long, Joe and I’ll always care about you but maybe you’re right. Maybe we shouldn’t be friends anymore.”

And as the rain poured heavier, it was my cue to stop standing there. I jostled him away from my car door and got in the driver seat. And Joe just stood there on the pavement, getting all soaked and as still as a statue, watching me drive away.

For seven years, that man was the single and most important person of my life. He was my friend and my family. And all that ended tonight.

Now, I’ve only had Sam.

* * *

Chapter Twelve

“On the count of three. One, two…”

And as fast as my feet could run, I bolted across the street towards Sam’s car, braving the torrent of rain while using my jacket as an umbrella. All in vain, of course. The raindrops were coming down too violently.

I attempt to open the car door. “Unlock the car, hurry.”

Laughing like a manic, Sam crossed the road at a much slower pace than I did. He didn’t care about the rain. He had much preferred to watch me battle with the car door than to give a damn about becoming soaking wet.

A clap of thunder struck the night sky.

Aaaa! I was literally screaming. “Fucking hell, open the fucking car, Sam.”

This time, he obliged. As soon as the car beeped unlocked, I jumped inside in haste.

When Sam joined me inside in his driver’s seat, he looked at me with a raised brow. “Did you just scream at the thunder?”

“No. I screamed at you.” Duh, who screamed at thunders anyway?

His quizzical expression switched into an amused one. “Liar. You’re scared of thunders, aren’t you?”

Another lightning flashed outside. Shiiit, I hate this weather.

Sam’s boisterous laughter rumbled in my ear. “You ducked, you little girl. I knew you were scared. Do you want me to switch on the light and scare the monster hiding in the dark?”

Suddenly a rough hand clasped my knee as an evil laugh echoed in my ear.

“Aaaa!” My hand shot straight up in a split second to switch on the dome light.

That was when Sam laughed harder and harder until his face was all red and he was almost out of breath. Oh, damn him.

“Alright, yes, I am scared of thunderstorms. Happy now? Now can you pretend like you just haven’t found that out about thirty-year-old me?”

“As you wish, princess.” Sam mocked while stifling his laughter. Till he suddenly stopped, all serious. “Shit. Look at that.” His eyes followed the water droplets dripping from my hair onto the car’s centre console. His hand quickly wiped the water, smearing it even more and making the situation worse. “Next time you decide we go out in a storm, we’re taking your car.”

“Isn’t that why you’ve got a weekly car valet appointment for your precious Benz.”

“Doesn’t mean I should enjoy seeing my seats soaking wet. Hopefully, the leather won’t be ruined.” He wiggled in his seat to inspect around obsessively.

My turn to let out a laugh. “Too bad you didn’t consider that when you left me in the rain.”

“Had to wash off your glory for tonight’s win.”

“Then stop complaining. And by the way, it’swins. Plural. I won all three games. And with no cheating.”

“Okay, okay, you finally got back at me for cheating at blackjack. What was I thinking accepting a challenge at snooker from you? You worked in a fricking pub with pool tables.”

“You know, those women behind you must have been glad that your aim was a bit off. They really seemed to enjoy watching you take your time aiming the cue and bending over the table. You showed off your ass at them quite a lot.”

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