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Obviously by then, my grin had not only transformed but disappeared altogether. Sam’s cynical tone stunned me. I doubt I had ever heard that tone in the two years I’ve known him.

“To your office? What for?”

“There’s the Henderson file on my desk. Scan it over to me. And don’t you dare take your coffee to my office with you. Don’t want you spilling a droplet on my desk.”

“I… I’m about to go into a meeting.”

“Just fucking do as I asked. Boss’s order.” And the disconnected tone echoed as soon as he finished his sentence.

Sam had hung up on me, leaving me stunned and completely speechless. And even if I could talk, he didn’t give me a chance to. He hung up.

I set down my coffee and like a docile servant, went to scan his file.

What just happened and what was up with him? I knew his meeting had gone well because I received an invite for another meeting with me included. That meant Sam got the client on board.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Sam angry. Or maybe when he was, Sam was professional enough to hide it at work. Or was he angry atme? Why would he be? What did I do? If this was about what had happened lately between us, I had done nothing on my own. He shouldn’t be angry at just me. It was allwe.Or maybe it was something I’d done at work. But what? I couldn’t recall doing anything wrong. Except maybe arriving late every day for the last two years.

Keep thinking about this, Lucy, and you’ll be the one showing anger at the office today. Now that the shock of hearing that conversation had subsided, I began to feel again. It was a fuzzy feeling, full-on distracting and dangerously close to becoming irate as hell.

Damn it. I should get my nose back to work, forget this just happened and stop overthinking about it.

My team at the studio certainly made sure to waver my thoughts during the meeting. Their childish bickering and the constant creative brainstorming were enough to put my mind to the task at hand and back into my role.

Until I receive an email from Sam.

Call the biscuit company. They’re not convinced with your advert.

My advert? It’s not like I approved the final cut alone. He oversaw all the last-minute editing and he loved it. He even said it was our best work yet. The company reps themselves had been fairly impressed with it too.

I granted my team an early five-minute break and called the biscuit company to satisfy my piqued curiosity about what had un-convinced them now. It was a relief to hear that all they wanted to change was the word ‘yum’ to ‘tasty’. That was all they wanted. They didn’t hate it. I made sure to ask. Everyone there was super pleased with it. So why did Sam say otherwise? It wasn’t like him to transmit praise in the opposite way.

Great. So if Sam’s morning meeting went okay and the biscuit ad was good, that meant he really was angry atme.

What were you thinking? Getting involved with a man like Sam? I didn’t have enough experience dealing with the aftermath of casual sex. I haven’t mastered the skill of pretending nothing happened without our clothes on. Sam was a pro. And not only because of his chain of exploits with countless women, but because this man had also been married and divorced already, plus he was a father of two teens. And me? In my thirty years, I’ve only had botched relationships. Neither of which lasted more than eight months. What the hell did I know about relationships or men? Now there I was. I had allowed myself to become my boss’s booty call. Not just any booty call. I was his everyday fuck.

Shit, I needed to calm down. I needed another coffee. To hell with Sam and with his hypnotic charm and his perfect blue-grey eyes and with his beautiful body. Why did he have to be that much of a strong magnetic force on my own body? The force was definitely scrambling my sense of mind. Not that any of that mattered now. All his charm disappeared the second the first cynical word came out of his mouth.

Around midday, I returned to my office to let the team enjoy their half-hour break. And oh boy, did I wish I had taken their invitation to join them for lunch instead of nearly bumping into my grumpy boss as he came out of the elevator. But here I was, throwing glares at him over my shoulder and power walking to my office ahead of him.


I ignored his repeated call of my name and made a beeline to my office. Even more than simply ignoring him, I locked the door behind me. The loudest silent answer to his call.

Sam knocked on my door not a second later. Loud, insistent, repeated knocking. “Come see me in my office.” He ordered in an authoritative tone. Then the knocking stopped and I heard his office door shut with a bang.

No thanks. Tell your shitty mood I won’t obey to your barks this time.

Sitting behind my desk, I plugged my tablet into its charging dock then checked the missed calls on my office phone. Now this was more important than dealing with Sam. I had missed three calls from one of our oldest clients whose contract was about to expire and was considering not extending due to what he claimed was a creative difference. Better call back and do my best to ensure we retain him as a client. The boss would surely be pleased withthat. Too bad Mr Collins wasn’t at his office to take my call. Although I did leave a message with his PA requesting a callback.

In the meantime, I’d just eat my measly chicken salad. I really should consider changing from my usual deli place. His portions kept shrinking and there was just one drop of salad dressing. How was this lunch supposed to up my morale? I’ll just have to satiate with the dessert that was the ripe banana in my drawer. And just my luck, as soon as I took the first bite off my banana, I spotted an email notification pop up.

My office in five.

I was tempted to click the reply button and type a nice bold fuck you. Then I remembered how much I loved my job and didn’t feel like getting fired. So instead, I kept on eating the fruit and snubbed him. I could always lie that the email went straight to junk mail. Better than dealing with his pissy attitude.

My desk phone rang then. I gulped down the last few chews of the banana and answered a little too eager to hear back from Mr Collins. Except it wasn’t him.

“Why the fuck are you ignoring me? I’m waiting–”
