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I slammed the phone receiver back in its place. Take the hint, Sam. I am pissed at you, just like you seemed to be pissed at me for no reason whatsoever.

Before Sam could attempt to contact me again, I picked up my coffee cup, tablet and phone, slowly unlocked the door and jogged down the corridor until I rounded the corner. Back at the studio, I was alone. The team were probably still puffing on their cigarettes. Good, I could use the few minutes of silence to get a head-start on what was next on the agenda. By the time the team returned, I was all hyped up. Work really was my medicine. Look at me. Flying through the agenda. I was having so much fun around these people that I ended up staying longer at the studio after the meeting. Okay, maybe there was a little less fun involved. The vacant desk I found there was too small and the team weren’t the least ecstatic that their superior was spending the whole day amongst them. They thought I was there to be an eagle eye. The truth was, I was the rabbit escaping an eagle named Sam.

When it was five o’clock and the team was rushing to pack and leave, I hadn’t much choice but to collect my stuff and return to my office. As I rounded the corner to my office, I was startled by the figure standing at the far end of the corridor. Sam was leisurely leaning to his office doorway, waiting. And from the way his eyes followed me as I continued to my office, he seemed to have been waiting for me. Except this time, I couldn’t escape behind the comfort of my closed office door. I couldn’t even open the door. It was locked.

“Boss got a master key if you ask nicely.”

Fuck. He purposely did this.

I swivelled around to find Sam with an arrogant smirk pasted on his face. A keyring with one key dangled off his pointer finger. Then, he moved aside from his door, inviting me in.

With an irate sigh purposely loud for him to hear, I strode into his office. The door clicked behind me. Whatever he shut the door for, he was so wrong in assuming anything would happen.

“Well done, Mr Webb. You got me all for yourself. What now?” I crossed my arms under my breasts as I could with the coffee cup in one hand and the tablet in my other.

Sam remained standing near the door. “You’re ignoring me.”

To prove his point further, I didn’t answer him.

“You do know you’re ignoring your boss.”

I couldn’t contain the scoff that escaped my lips. “Oh, my boss, right. You don’t get to use the boss card with me whenever you deem it convenient for you.”

“Monday to Friday, eight till five, the card is always in my right hand.” Sam strutted forward, hands in pockets and stopped in front of me, invading my space bubble and towering over me to prove his own point now.

“Great, so now I’m your punching bag at work? I’m the one you take out your day’s frustration on? That’s not okay. And you don’t get to call me at your beck and call as you please either.” I rose on my toes to have a better angle at poking my finger at his chest. “I’m not your secretary who bows down to all your orders and I’m certainly not your speed dial for a quick fuck, Mr Webb.”

“My name is Sam.” I knew the call of his formal name in sarcasm would frustrate him. “And what the hell are you going on about? I’m really not up for this shit right now.”

“Not up for this shit or not up for me? The last time someone spoke to me like you did, I was an intern. ‘Lucia, bring me an Earl Grey yesterday.’ ‘Lucinda, finish that 60-page report in ten minutes.’“

“When did I ever speak to you like that?”

“Every single time you spoke to me today.”

“You’re pissed because I called you for that file? You’re the only person here who knows which one it is. I did not order fucking tea.”

“No, but you did call me Lucy. You never call me that. Ever.”

“Then what the fuck is the prissy attitude for? Is it wrong to call you by your name now?”

“According to yourself, Lucy is not my name, so yes, it is wrong coming from you. That makes the looming question here being: what the fuck isyourattitude for?”

“My attitude?”

“Can’t you hear yourself shouting at me?”

“Aren’t you too?”

We were both shouting. We could probably be heard from outside the office. Shit, we’re in his office. Most of the employees leaving would be passing by the corridor to wait for the elevator.

I broke off our standoff. Paced a few steps away before stopping to lean at the edge of his desk. I took a deep breath before speaking with a more composed voice. “You shouted every single word you spoke to me today. The phone call. Your texts. Even now. Even your replies to clients were loud.”

“I didn’t send any emails to clients today.”

“Oh, then maybe your non-existent secretary replied on your behalf. She must have replied to Mr Thornton’s email with the words ‘Lucy, where are you with this?’ Add half a dozen question marks. ‘They better be on my desk when I return or else.’Or elsebeing the ultimate finisher keywords in caps. Heaven knows what Thornton must think of us now. What the hell were you expecting to find on your desk? A single page of my illegible scribbled notes? We only started on his project yesterday.”

That brought Sam to his senses. He ran a hand through his hair. “Shit, I hadn’t meant to reply to everyone in the email.”
