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“I figured that it was meant just for me. Is this how it’s going to be now? Now that you fucked me again, do you think you can just boss me around? Honeymoon period’s over already? Nothing of what we had outside this office gives you the right to do that. Neither does it give you the right to lock me in here with you.” I wedged my tablet under my arm and extended my free hand to him. “Give me the key to my office, please. I have to get back to work. As my boss, you should be glad to hear that.”

Sam wore a deep frown. His eyes were dark as he looked down at me. He looked… dangerous. Enough to make me shriek back just a little. “You wanted me to fuck you.” He corrected.

“Is that all you heard from all I’ve said to you?” My voice came out strong.

In one quick move, Sam removed the chair blocking the short distance between us and he was now standing just a foot away. His eyes roamed over me, specifically on my heaving chest. “You wanted me to. Don’t make it sound like I tied you up and forced you to.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t have.”

“Or maybe you’re having regrets. Maybe you’re missing your boyfriend. Perhaps you’d much rather he ties you down with his plain old boredom.” His hand came up to my face, and caressed my jaw with his knuckle.

I slapped his hand away from me. “He’s not my boyfriend, you condescending—“

Knock, knock.

Jolted, Sam took two steps back. “Don’t even think about opening that fucking door.” He yelled at whoever knocked and interrupted us – thankfully.

Sam sighed a big one as his hand ran through his hair. I saw his chest rising and falling with every quick breath. It was his way of struggling to contain his rage, except the frown on his face deepened.

“This isn’t you, Sam. Who are you?”

“Lucille, I called you to my office because…” Sam trailed off, remained frozen still and looked like a ferocious leopard ready to pounce on the poor deer that I was.

“Because what?”

“Lucille…” He made to reach for me again. But this time, I was determined not to let him.

I sidestepped quickly, far too quickly because in my rush to escape him, I tumbled back into the chair Sam had discarded earlier. I had no time to catch my balance. My flailing arms let go of my tablet and my coffee cup as I tipped backwards. Sam was quick to reach for me and pulled me back to standing on two feet. The tablet splatted face down on the ground. The coffee cup flew onto his desk, with coffee spilling everywhere as the cup continued rolling onto his chair. His Monte Blanc pen swam in the pool of coffee on his desk that was spreading towards his laptop.

But Sam never looked at the mess I made of his desk and his stuff. He kept his gaze locked on me. “Did you get scalded?”

“No. That was cold coffee.”

Sam guided me to sit down on the same chair that I was about to topple over. By now, his expression had softened somehow. He took my hands that were wet with a few droplets of coffee and inspected them, twisting them around in his hands to make sure. Nowthiswas the Sam I knew. He could have let me fall and knock my head or break a tooth, but his gentleman instinct took over.

His phone rang just then. Sam fished it out of his pants and upon seeing the caller, his frown reappeared.

Sam answered the call without delay as he went around his desk. “Hello?… Yes, yes, I called. Can we meet?” While he listened to the caller, Sam picked up his wet laptop and moved it to a dry corner of the desk. “Yes, of course it’s aboutthat. It’s always about that… Great. I’ll meet you there. Bye.” When he hung up, Sam picked up my coffee cup which had become broken on impact to the ground. “That was my lawyer. I’m afraid I have to cancel this evening, Lucille.”

Oh, right, this evening. I had half-forgotten that yesterday when all was fine between us, Sam and I had planned Scrabbles night.

“Getting a lawyer’s advice in case I sue for harassment already?”

I saw his jaw flex. My words did not sit well with him.

Purposely evading my question, Sam opened his desk drawer, retrieved a box of tissues. Pulled out one-two-three tissues. Then he came to kneel before me. He took my hand and cleaned the traces of coffee from my fingers. “I’m meeting my lawyer because my ex-wife is denying me from seeing my daughters.”


Sam discarded the tissues on his desk. That was when I saw the whiskey glass. That’s another first I witnessed today. First time I ever saw him drink at work. And then I noticed he was not wearing his tie. Something he never did at work either. He wouldn’t even open the top button on the hottest days. Then I looked back at his face. Really looked at him and I realized the frown he wore wasn’t just anger but worry too. Then I heard his tired sigh.

Sam stood up. His hands shoved in his pant pockets. “The girls called me this morning. They were crying endlessly, completely breathless from all their cries. They want to come and spend their eighteenth birthday here. Not just here butwith me. Their mother won’t let them. Celeste is keeping all their money away from them, even what I send them. She took their phones and laptops so they can’t even make contact with me. To talk to me today, they had to sneak out to call me from a fucking pay-phone.”

“Can’t they visit after they’re eighteen?”

“Why shouldn’t they come before? Because their bitch of a mother would want to take a picture of them blowing candles and post it all over her social media? Do you think she cares much about her children? All she loves in them is the fact that they are pretty and therefore she assumes it’s easy to capture the attention of some other gullible man like me who will keep topping up her pocket. All she sees is money. The girls have long been fed up with her. Why do you think they want to leave France and come here permanently? I’m hoping my lawyer has some advice on how to bring them here tomorrow – today, if possible. If it was up to me, I’d rent a plane and go get them myself right this second. But that’s exactly what the bitch wants. For me to make a bad move so she can use her legal bind to me to snatch off more money. That fucking woman has no problem taking it with her own daughters. She doesn’t care how much she hurts them, just as long as she provokes me. Always did that. It’s her trick against me. She knows those girls are my weak spot. You pinch my weak spot, I turn into a monster. The monster who used you as a punching bag today.”

Yes. Yes, you did. But I daren’t tell him that aloud. He wasn’t the monster now.

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