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So I wiped my tears away and made him proud by following his advice.

I don’t need anyone pushing me or holding my hand through this life. I’m strong enough to move forward on my own. The struggles I went through before were much steeper than this road I found myself in now. I can do better than this. To my own merit. Nobody else’s. This was it. The perfect chance to be brave and start over.

And so when I returned to my apartment, I went on a job hunt on my laptop. I applied for all the best job positions I found in the city. Within two days, I had three interviews lined up. So I packed an overnight bag with just the essential items and a few clothes and hours later, I was in the city. Every moment I spent roaming amongst the hustle and bustle of the busy streets, all I could think about was how much I would enjoy it there. How I could build the best life for myself there. Within a day after my first two interviews, I received an offer I couldn’t refuse. An indefinite contract with a very impressive salary and a massive opportunity to climb higher. I accepted without hesitation and ten minutes later, my resignation was printed and folded neatly into an envelope.

And so today, the countdown to my next chapter had officially begun ticking.

“What do you think, Ms Lucy?”

Zimmerman’s voice woke me from my trance. “I’m sorry, what?”

“I’ve just handed these two men the huge task of revamping my brand. All of it. Joe here made a very valid point. My current one is too vintage. Many of my advisors had been telling me that, but I was always too wary of that big change. You guys convinced me.” There was visible excitement and overwhelming respect for Joe and Sam in his chirpy voice.

I smiled back at Zimmerman. “I agree. Change is good.”

It was then that I spotted Joe switching curious glances between Sam and me. Behind that smile of pride at his new achievement, I knew Joe had figured out something was wrong and I knew he was undoubtedly blaming Sam.

“This is what convinced the most.” Zimmerman continued as he pointed to the file of artwork and documents before him. “I am completely impressed with the work all of you have done. I barely made any requests for changes which is very unusual of me. I can be very peculiar. But your team, Joe Parker, and your team, Samuel Webb, together are an extraordinary force. A true example of your amazing team is Ms Lucy.” Zimmerman turned his attention directly to me. “I’m very eager to see what you’ll be coming up with, Ms Lucy. I’m fascinated by your ideas.”

I put up my best front. “Mr Zimmerman, I’m afraid I will not be involved in your next project. I will be permanently leaving my position in the next few days.”

“What?” Zimmerman was shocked. He turned to Sam. “You’re letting her go?”

This time, I wanted to see his reaction. Sam didn’t say anything. He simply raised his brows, accompanied with a small sigh.

“Too bad for you, Samuel. Somebody else might grab her up quickly.” Zimmerman pointed his thumb towards Joe and laughed at his own joke. That was until he realized that the rest of us had stiffened in our seats. Can’t blame the man for trying to lighten the situation when he had no idea how thick the air between the three of us was. “So, Ms Lucy, you’ll still see my hotel project to the finish line, right?

“Not till the very end, no. I’m sure Sam and Joe and their whole team will be–”

“I’ll add a 5% extra payment if you stay.”

At Zimmerman’s announcement, Joe perked up in his seat with a grin playing on his lips. He was definitely keen on the extra income. Then I peered at Sam again whose head was bowed down. He was leaving it up to me to make the decision. He was also evading to show his feelings so I wouldn’t see it as interfering again, wasn’t he? I knew his opinion either way. I knew he wouldn’t want to disappoint Zimmerman.

Despite my hostility against them both, my workaholic brain reminded me that working for Zimmerman would be an excellent addition to my portfolio.

“I can consult freelance. Only if they agree.”

“Absolutely.” Was Joe’s spitfire response.

Then Joe turned eagerly to Sam. As did Zimmerman. As did I.

Sam looked up at Zimmerman, intentionally not answering me directly. With his utmost formality, he nodded curtly. “Of course.”

Zimmerman leaned back in his seat with visible relief. “Phew. For a second there, I was starting to think the animosity I’ve been sensing between you three was going to get between your wonderful teamwork. I want all three of you. You’re the best together.”

Right. Look at us. Three adults, each with a complicated, tangled, messy relation to one another. The very fucking best we are together, huh.

Zimmerman collected his papers and stood from his seat. “Well, I’ll be seeing you all again very soon then. Now, I got to run to my next appointment. Great job, team. Send me an invite for our next meeting, alright?”

Despite Zimmerman’s polite nature, he seemed more than ready to dash off that he didn’t even wait for any final greetings.

Joe exhaled a long stressful sigh and he began gathering his own stuff.

I had no idea how long we’d been in that room or what had been said or hadn’t. All I knew was that I was eager to get out of that door too. As I shut my own laptop, I found Joe standing behind his chair staring at me.

“Finally trying out the city?” Joe’s voice held a high concentrate of honest concern.

I shrugged lightly. “Maybe.”
