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Here it was. The big day.

Today was the day when I felt everything. Excitement. Uncertainty. Joy. Fear. Panic. My body couldn’t stop shivering from all the mix-up of emotions.

Walking into the building that morning, I tried not to think about how much I would miss working here. There wasn’t a single thing to hate here. Few people could say that about their job. The realization of that alone brought a wave of overwhelming sadness. How could it not? I really did have it all here.

Just one hour to go now. There were very few chores left for me to do before it was time. I only needed to hand over the files of pending projects to my substitute Ross, clear my desk and my work here would befinito. The last two weeks, I spent them at the studio with my team and giving briefs to Ross. Ross was a quick learner and meticulous at his job. Sam made the right choice with him. An ethical and scrupulous selection for sure.

As I was packing the few ornaments on my desk into a box, my laptop binged the arrival of a meeting request titled ‘final appraisal.’ It was from Sam. He may still be my boss until a few more minutes, yet still, I ignored the invite and continued packing.

A few minutes later, the desk phone rang. Ross was quick to pick up. He didn’t even allow me some time to think up an excuse not to answer.

Ross passed the received on to me. “The boss. For you.”

Acting as naturally as I could, I took the phone. “Hello?”

“Come see me, Lucille.”

“I’m still giving a hand over to Ross here and I’ve got to wrap everything up by half an hour max or I’d miss my taxi which I really can’t afford to because I need to meet the movers at my apartment and then I need to–”

“I promise I won’t be long. Just five minutes. Just to say thank you for all your work here and… and say goodbye.”

I was sure he didn’t just want to talk about my work here. So I resumed my rambling. “I really enjoyed my time here, Mr Webb. It sure was an experience working with you.” There was my thank-you-goodbye to him. I didn’t need five minutes.

“Please come see me before you go.” His voice was almost pleading.

I sighed. “Okay, I will.” And I hang up.

Of all the tasks on my to-do list, seeing Sam was the hardest, hence why I pushed it to the bottom of the list with the category of ‘optional, if I can help it.’ I would leave until the last minute before I went to see him. I’d just hand over the file with the brief notes I prepared for him and bolt right after.

Minutes later, the handover was over and the desk was cleared of my belongings. Ross didn’t waste a second to go retrieve his stuff from his cubicle. He was super ecstatic to move into his new office.

Meanwhile, in the silence all alone, I sat at the executive chair where I spent most of my waking hours for the past two years. The metal nameplate that had been removed from my door earlier that day was now the only thing left on the desk. I picked it up. Looking at it brought back the memory of the first time I had seen it hung on my door. Lucille Monroe, Creative Director. Oh, what a joy it had been. It had been a milestone. The kind that reminded me how far I’ve come.

Stretching my legs beneath the desk, I accidentally kicked the box stowed there. It was the box I had brought all packed up from home, full of Sam’s stuff that I found at my apartment, including the grey suit from that first. I labelled the box with his name. Nobody would dare touch it with the boss’s name on it.

The silence was broken by the rapid sound of the door opening quickly and savagely hitting the wall with a bang as Sam strode in with long steps. He didn’t seem to care that he gave me a fright. He was a man on a mission and he didn’t stop walking until he was around my desk. He clutched my wrist to yank me up on my feet and dragged me to the door without a word.

Damn it. I shouldn’t have let Ross leave. Sam must have seen him.

“I’ve got to leave in less than ten minutes.” I whimpered while trying hard to keep up with his tall legs without stumbling on my heels. I was almost jogging. And ouch, that tight clasp on my arm. That’s going to leave a mark on my skin.

Sam did not slow down or look at me. “You’ve got six minutes left. You owe me five.”

“The taxi-”

“I’ll drive you myself if need be.”

Damn his stubborn head.

It was only when we reached his office that Sam released my arm. He needed to free his hands to lock the door behind us and trap me in there.

Oh, Sam. Please don’t make this all harder than it already was.

He came to stand just a foot’s distance before me. “I must properly say goodbye to you.”

“I said goodbye to you on the phone.” My voice came out surprisingly without a stutter.

“Might be fairly acceptable to your boss. Not to me, no.” Sam walked towards the sofa and picked up the large paper bag. “I got you a farewell gift. Two actually. Couldn’t decide so I got both.” As he offered the bag to me, Sam must have seen my hand was already full with the nameplate that I hadn’t realized I still held. “You can keep that too. Gift from your boss.”
