Page 59 of Your Sweetness

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“Because of him?”

“Yes, but it’s more than that. You’re not who I thought you were, and I’m not like you. I don’t use people. Lucas makes me happy. Something you never did.” She paused. “Oh, and get your shit together. In case you haven’t noticed, half your staff has turned over in the five months since I worked here. You’re flailing, and if you want this restaurant to survive, you need to stop chasing my skirt or Felicia’s or anyone else’s and cook good food, period.”



That asshole!I couldn’t believe him. I huffed out of the nook in the back of the kitchen and ran right into Lucas’s hard chest. A big smile graced his handsome face as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me tight against him, firm and steady.

“That was hot as hell, baby,” he whispered against my ear.

“How much did you hear?”

“Enough.” He turned to look through the doorway. Reef was still gobsmacked. “I plan to keep making her happy. So, as Jo would say, you take care now.”

With that, he pulled me tight to his side as we headed to the front and collected my wrap.

“Anyone else you need to eviscerate with that sweet mouth of yours?” His eyes dropped to my lips, and my breath whooshed out.

“No, I’m ready to go.”

His eyes darkened, but his smile was teasing. “Are you ready to come?” Cheezy, sure, but a damn sexy promise too.

The night air was cooler and threatened rain on the walk back to Lucas’s condo building, but it did nothing to cool my blood. I’d basically let Lucas see all of me this morning. I was ready to let go completely with him. He was a good man, and I trusted him. Images of what was yet to come sizzled in my brain, and heat pooled in my core.

“Are you hungry?” he asked.

I shook my head and bit my lip. “Later.”

The sparks pinged between us in the elevator as we rode up to his floor with a well-dressed older couple and their tiny dog. Lucas had nodded a greeting, but otherwise, his eyes stayed on me as his palm glided along my hip and ass cheek. I was already climbing.

His apartment door whispered closed, and I turned to pull him to me. Dropping my wrap and bag to the floor, I met his hungry kiss with a soft mewl that echoed in my chest. I was ready to do him right there on the entryway tile. I was losing my damn mind.

The effort he made for me today. His smoldering looks while he held his fingers to his lips. How he claimed me in front of Reef. It all coalesced to make me feel like the sinfully sexy woman I longed to be.

I felt him everywhere as he took over the kiss. His tongue explored, tasting and consuming before he pulled back.

“Baby, I want to see and touch every inch of you. I want to sink into your warm body and erase the memory of any other man from your mind.”

Our faces were close, and our breaths mingled. “Lucas, I want you to see me. You’re the first.”

He groaned, and I felt the pressure of him swelling thick against the place where I ached for him the most. I was weak with it, that ache.

He bent and picked me up. But this time, the shame of thinking I was too heavy was pushed away by the images of this man making me scream on every surface in this apartment.

“Why are you carrying me?”

“You can’t walk fast enough in those shoes,” he said. “Alexa, turn on the low lights.” His bedroom glowed with soft white light from canisters on the floor in all four corners. It wasn’t bright, but there were no shadows for me to hide in. He set me down near the end of the bed.

“Am I really the first man to see you naked?” he asked.

“Yes.” It was a whisper, maybe a plea.

“I will never make you sorry. Turn around, Jo.”

My hands shook, and electricity sang in my veins as I turned my back to him. He brushed his fingers across the back of my neck, followed by his lips. Then I felt the pull of the zipper being lowered.

“You and your sexy shape and swaying hips tortured me tonight. I think I need to torture you a little. Catch you up to me.”
