Page 77 of Your Sweetness

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Me:Hey, sorry I missed you. Text me back when you get this.

Me:I’m sure you’re busy. It’s almost three and I’m headed to The Elliot for my last shift this week. Yay! Text when you can or sext me if you’re up late. Your choice. [peach emoji]

I blushed, and I was alone. That was new. And suggestive sexting? Me? Yeah, that was new, too.

There was a knock on my door. Lucas. I jumped up to check the peephole. It wasn’t Lucas.

“Who is it?”

“I’m Detective Rivers from the Seattle PD. This is Detective Billings. Could we speak with you a moment?” I peeked again and saw a badge. I opened the door.

“Sorry. You can’t be too safe.”

“I agree. Are you Samantha Jolene Patree?” the one called Rivers asked.


“We’d like to ask you some questions about Lucas Bakker. May we come in?”

“Um, sure.” I stepped aside and motioned to the sofa.

“Is he okay?”

“Yes, he’s fine. We’re following up on a case he’s involved in. Has he mentioned anything to you?” Rivers asked. Glancing across the breezeway before I closed the door, I saw my neighbor Ed peeking through his window, concern etched in the lines around his eyes and mouth. I gave him a smile, hoping it would ease any fears. He was a friend, and I didn’t want him to worry.

I pulled the desk chair over and sat.

“He said something about an investigation and the last deal he worked on. It fell through because one of the people was suspected of IP infringement. He said he quit his job in Seattle and was here temporarily until things settled down.”

“Do you know Cole Dennent?” This from Detective Billings.

“I know who he is. I don’t know him.”

“How do you know who he is?”

“I saw Cole at a party I catered in Silicon Valley a couple of years ago. Lucas was there too. Last November, I saw them again with two other guys at the restaurant in Seattle where I worked. I didn’tknowany of them. I just remembered Lucas and Cole from that party. Lucas and I became friends recently. I reminded him that Cole had been with him at the restaurant,andhe’d talked to Cole at that party in the Valley. Lucas had forgotten. That’s when he told me Cole was the man under investigation for the IP thing.”

“At the party, did you talk with Mr. Dennent?” Billings asked.

I nodded. “Once, outside his house. My boss handled all the details of the food service with his staff. I was just about prepping food. My coworker Annie and I were by our van on the side of the house, unloading near the kitchen entrance. A girl came outside, stumbling toward us actually, and asked to use my phone to call a ride.”

“Is this the girl?” He held up a picture.

“Yes. That’s her. She said her name was Pamela. Is she okay?”

“She is,” Billings said.

“Good.” I exhaled. “She didn’t look okay that day. She was sort of dazed. Cole came out to talk to her, and I could tell by her body language she didn’t want to be near him.”

“Her body language?”

“Yeah, she shifted away from him and closer to me with her arms wrapped around her middle and her eyes wide. She sort of cowered.” I demonstrated the motion.

“And Mr. Bakker?”
