Page 20 of Shatter

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As I climb into the Uber and shut the door, my breath catches in my throat. The slam of the door was the sound of a piece of my heart breaking.

A piece that’ll forever be with her.

My Goody.

* * *

I sneak into the house well past midnight, being careful not to make any noise.

Levi’s been cool lately and waking him up would be an asshole move. Not to mention if he sees the alcohol in my hands.

For these past few weeks, I’ve spent less time in my room and more time with Levi and his girlfriend. We’ve gone out to dinner, the movies, and even a long drive for some sightseeing.

With my last full day here being tomorrow, the plan is to relax on the beach, have a dinner/movie night, and turn in early, seeing as I have to be at the airport by five o’clock for my flight at seven.

But seeing Chloe threw off my whole night. So when I found a store that sells alcohol open this late, I stopped on my way home. My fake ID came through again.

Fuck it if Levi doesn’t like it.

My shit-ass night needs a redemption somehow.

Once inside my room, I crack open the bottle of Jack Daniels and pour myself a shot with the glass I bought. Then I chase it with a cold can of Coke.

I'm asking for trouble. But fuck if I care at this point. I’m hoping to be semi-coherent tomorrow because while shit between Levi and me is far better than it was, it doesn’t change who he is. The guy with all the questions.

After my fourth shot, I take a break, my stomach slightly queasy. Warm tingles spread through my arms and legs, down to my fingers and toes as the room already starts to spin.

You knew it was a stupid idea to go to that damn party.

You knew there was a good chance she’d be there. Mason didn’t hide the fact that the girl gang, as he likes to call them, was going.

But I still went.

And now look at my dumb ass.

Back to where I started.

The room spins more as I decide to take one more shot. Afterward, I slam the glass on the nightstand and collapse against my pillows.

My body feels heavy, my head spinning in circles, but the best part? My mind is blank.

No stupid thoughts intruding.

My stomach rumbles. “I’m hungry,” I half slur, half mutter to myself as I try to sit upright.

I fall right back over and laugh my ass off. How the hell do I think I’ll make it there?

I try again, but this time, I grab onto the nightstand for balance and pull a little too hard. The entire thing tips over, my phone going flying along with the TV remote.

Oh, and the lamp. It rolls off and crashes onto the carpet floor with a loud thump.Shit!Well, at least it didn’t break.

Looking down at the mess, all I can do is laugh as I fall back against the bed again. There’s no way I’m making it to the kitchen.

Yet I try again and make it to my door before I lean onto the wall for support. Somehow, I manage to get my drunk ass to the kitchen basically by holding on to the walls like a clumsy toddler learning to walk.

Stumbling to the fridge, I pull the door open, and that’s the last thing I remember before it all goes black.

“Ty! Dude, wake up. Can you hear me?”
