Page 46 of Shatter

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Three hours and one bathroom stop later, we pull into the long driveway. It’s already lined with cars, which doesn’t surprise me. This party is one of their biggest family get-togethers.

“Wow. You weren’t lying when you said Carter comes from a large family,” Cat says from the back as she takes out an AirPod from one ear.

“I can’t wait to see inside,” Lo says as she taps her fingers against her thighs.

I park the car and pop the trunk. “You ladies go ahead. I’ll bring in the bags and catch up.”

“You sure?” Chloe says.

I nod. “Go have fun exploring.”

Both of them hop out of the car and take off toward the lake.

We spend the day getting settled in. Carter, Colby, and I give the ladies a tour of the place. After lunch, we change into our bathing suits and go for a dip in the lake.

The dock I remember still sits in the water, another one not too far away.

“Remember all those backflips we did?” Colby says as we put our stuff down on the sandy beach before the water.

“And the races across the lake?” Carter calls as he climbs a tree like it’s nothing and unhooks the rope tied to it.

“My favorite will always be the rope,” I say and walk over to the tree. What a perfect way to start my swim.

“You’re going to swing from that rope into the water?” Lo says, her eyes wide. “How do you know it’s not too shallow?”

I sneak a quick look at her, her adorable face full of fear. She has on a bikini, one I’ve never seen before, so it’s hard not to stare. Her blond hair falls around her shoulders in loose waves, and her tan skin glows. She looks so fucking beautiful it hurts.

“Trust us. We know,” Carter says but doesn’t elaborate further before he’s cheering as he swings on the rope and lands in the water.

When I reach the tree, I turn and give Lo an encouraging smile. “The lake isn’t very shallow. Walk a few feet in, and you’ll see.”

“You’re jumping, Ty?” Lo says just as I wrap my hand around the rope. There’s concern in her voice, and I secretly love it. It means she cares.

“Hell yeah. I said it was my favorite, remember?”

“Yeah, but…” She trails off when she realizes everyone is waiting for her next word. “Never mind. Have fun.” She turns and walks toward the dock.

I scale the tree with ease and take position, gripping the rope with both hands.

One big jump and I’m soaring through the air toward the lake. I cheer along with the others and land in the water moments later. When I swim to the surface, I break out into laughter.

Lo’s clapping from the dock, a huge smile of relief clear on her face. I swim over to her as Colby takes his turn jumping and then Cat. Lo’s sitting on the edge, her feet dangling into the water. I hold out my hand. “Care to join me for a swim?” I ask with my fake proper voice.

Her eyes sparkle, and she nods. I hold out my hand, and when she takes it, I nod my head to the side toward a floating deck platform.

Chloe hesitates, her eyes scanning the water, probably for some unknown creature she’s created in her head. “I should’ve brought my water shoes.”

I laugh. “Water shoes? What are you, five?”

She pulls her hand away from mine and places her hands on her hips. “Hey, I’ll have you know, water shoes are awesome. I can’t help it if you aren’t with the cool crowd.”

“The cool crowd, huh? Is that what they’re calling it these days?”

She throws her head back and laughs, and I use this opportunity to grab her by the waist. I easily lift her, and she squeals when I place her down into the water.

“Warmer than you thought, huh?”

“Yeah, yeah, but I didn’t need your help,” she says with a teasing grin as she moves forward and more of her slips under the water.
