Page 74 of Shatter

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“Uh, I…I kind of told Levi about us, and I’m pretty sure he told Drew.” Tyler visibly winces into the camera.

I, on the other hand, don’t know what to think. We had agreed to wait to tell them. And I wanted to be the one to tell Drew, not Levi or Tyler.

Because I’m sure it hurt so much worse hearing it from them instead of me. I should be the one telling him about my life, not him learning from other people.

“Why? Why, Tyler? I thought we were going to do this together.” I cross my arms and glare into the phone. “Now, I have to deal with a pissed-off older brother. Thanks a lot.”

“I’m sorry, Goody. Believe me. I truly am. It sort of slipped out when I told Levi. He said he was happy for us and wouldn’t tell a soul. That is, until Drew appeared from behind him, apparently hearing our entire phone conversation.”


Of course he had to overhear it all.

“I gotta go. Drew’s waiting.”

“Wait, Lo. I’m sorry. I didn’t want this to happen. I should’ve never told Levi without planning it with you first.”

“Yeah, you should’ve.”

“I know, I’m sorry. Keep me on the phone. I’ll be your backbone.”

“No. I need to deal with this myself. He’s my brother. I’ll talk to you later.” I end the call before he can say more.

Suddenly, I have a bad feeling that Drew isn’t happy about Tyler’s and my relationship.

And he’s about to let me know just how unhappy he is.

* * *

“You know the struggles of the Reed family. Why put yourself in this position?” Drew asks as soon as I walk back into the living room. The question throws me off, and I stare at him with a blank look on my face.

“What are you talking about?” I sit on a chair across from him and toss him a not-so-friendly look.

“I know you’re dating Tyler. I know he moved out here to be with you. And I know just how stupid of a decision it was.”

“A stupid decision? Why?”

“Hello, Lo! His father, his brother. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tyler ends up in rehab, too. Levi might be my best friend, but that doesn’t change the fact that their family is fucked up. There are a lot of issues to unpack, and the last thing I want to see is you being hurt by him.”

“While I appreciate your concern, I know I’m good. Tyler’s different. Besides, how about a hi, how are you doing, haven’t seen you in a long time, sis. We’re finally at a point in our lives when we’re getting along, and now you come at me this way?”

“You might think Tyler’s different, but he really isn’t. I see a lot of Levi in him, and you need to be careful. It’s a tough life to lead, being ruled by the bottle. And I will get to asking how you are. This is more important first.”

I shake my head at the monstrosity of his words. Who does he think he is? My blood boils. “Just because he possesses similar character traits as his brother doesn’t mean he’ll turn out to be an alcoholic. He doesn’t even drink now.”

“I don’t care, Chloe. I don’t like it. I don’t like him or the vibes he gives off. I don’t want you dating him.”

I cross my arms and sit up straighter. Now he’s really getting on my nerves. “You can’t tell me what to do. I’ll be with whoever I want.”

“I most certainly can tell you. And I’m telling you now, as your older brother, I don’t want you with him. If you continue to date him, don’t cry to me when he hurts you. I don’t want to hear it. I’ll always love you, Lo, but this is unacceptable.”

I stand, my fists clenched, and I want to stomp my feet like a toddler having a tantrum, but I stop myself. I’ve had enough and don’t want to hear anymore. “You can leave now.”

Drew’s face contorts into a surprised look, and a flash of hurt passes through his eyes. But I don’t care. Doesn’t he realize how much he just hurt me?

I swallow over the lump forming in my throat as tears sting my eyes.

“Wait, Chloe. Let’s talk about this.”
