Page 75 of Shatter

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“I think we already did. Next time, unless you have something nice or supportive to say, don’t come over at all. You can see yourself out.”

I spin on my heel and storm out of the room just as the tears spill over and slide down my cheeks.



Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck.

I should’ve known Drew overhearing would blow up into a big deal. Levi tried to reassure me it wouldn’t matter, but judging from Lo’s reaction, I think it very much does matter.

Chloe never calls me back that night. And when I get home later, I try to reach out but no response. I guess the offer to sleep at her house is no longer there.

Dammit. I knew I should’ve waited to tell Levi. I was just so happy to be doing good that I couldn’t help but spill all my exciting news. There was also the big question of why. Why was I relocating my entire life?

Levi wanted to know and for a good reason. We still had Dad to think about, even if we didn’t want to.

“Hey, what’s up, Ty?” Levi says as he answers the phone. “You usually don’t call this late.”

It’s a little after nine, but I figured he would be up. “Sorry. Were you sleeping?”

“Nah, I’m not that old yet. Everything alright?”

“Eh, could be better. Drew paid a visit to Chloe earlier.”

Levi knows exactly how Drew feels. All those years ago, when he warned me to stay away, Levi knew what was going on. He knew where Drew stood and still stands. So when I hear his sharp intake of breath, I’m pretty sure he’s correctly guessed how that visit went.

“Shit. It wasn’t good, was it?”

“No. It wasn’t. She left me on FaceTime in the kitchen, even though she thought she had hung up. And while some of it was hard to make out, I heard most of it. The worst part is he blamed you and Dad. Saying I’d turn out the same.”

Levi swears under his breath. “This is shitty, man. I can see where Drew’s coming from. It’s his little sister, he’s only protecting her, and he’s right—there is a huge chance you could end up throwing your life away to drinking. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be happy. When Drew told you years ago to stay away from Chloe, you knew he would never approve of this relationship. You were a dick for a while, Tyler, and the complete opposite of Chloe. But things have changed, and Drew needs to calm down. You’re not the same person you used to be. And I thank Chloe for that. Drew will one day, too. I’m happy for you, little bro. Chloe’s a good girl. She’ll keep your head on straight.”

“She will. Thanks, Levi. I feel better. Hopefully, Drew will come around in time. Because I’m not giving her up. I already did once, and it nearly killed me.”

“I know, bro. I know. Keep your head up. Chloe might need some space too, to process everything. Give her time too.”

“Since when did you become such a wise old man?” I joke.

“I always have been. You just didn’t listen before.”

* * *

Lo: Meet me at the beach later?

Ty: Always

It’s been a few days since I’ve seen Chloe. I took Levi’s advice and backed off after sending her a text explaining. I told her I was sorry for telling Levi when I shouldn’t have. We should’ve done it together when we were both ready. I told her I would give her space, but that I was there for her should she want to talk. Most importantly, I told her how much I loved her. And no matter what anyone thought, my feelings for her will always be the same.

So when she text me asking to meet, I was excited. I missed her and craved her scent, needing my fix of her taste and smell.

I carry a blanket and picnic basket up to the beach, having picked up a bottle of sparkling grape juice, some cheese and crackers, some grapes, and a mini strawberry cheesecake.

I’m a little early, but she’s already there. She sits close to the water, a blanket already spread out for us, her hair blowing in the ocean breeze. She turns and sees me. A quick smile breaks out across her face, but it’s gone just as fast. It’s like she knew I was here, turning around as soon as I stepped onto the sand.

She’s already on her feet and walking over to me before I reach her spot. She kisses my cheek, but nothing more, her eyes barely connecting with mine. I hate seeing her upset, and it nags at me.

We spend the next hour catching up, drinking and eating. But it’s not filled with our usual laughter and easy conversation.
