Page 79 of Shatter

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A love like ours lasts a lifetime. I’m sure of it in every fiber of my being.

* * *

“But I thought we were going to stay inside and celebrate!” I whine as Tyler drags me out the door.

“We are. But we need to run an errand.”

“An errand? What errand?”

“Just c’mon. The quicker we go, the quicker we’ll get back.”

He hurries me outside and into his car. I want to complain and whine. But maybe he’s just stopping by the market because he forgot something. Even though his fridge looked pretty stocked to me.

“Did you forget something?”

“Yeah, the damn cake mix.”

I laugh. “Nice try. I saw it on the counter.”

“Oh shit. Then it was the frosting.”

“Where are we going, Ty?” I know he’s got something up his sleeve.

“The market, silly.”

But when he turns into the parking lot of a restaurant, I glare at him. “Why are we here?”

He says nothing as he parks and cuts the engine. He’s out of the car and around my side seconds later, opening the door and helping me out.

When we walk inside, a storm of nerves takes off in my stomach. I just wish he had listened to me and-

I don’t have time to finish my thought before I’m swept into a dark room. “Tyler!” I shriek, but soon the lights turn on, and a loud chorus of people yell, “Surprise!”

I look around and see all of our friends, laughing and smiling, Madison running toward me, Everleigh, Lennox, and Maia close behind.

I’m in too much shock to be mad, and all I can manage is tears. I’ve never had such a large party thrown for just me.

“Aw, you guys,” I choke out as the girls hug me and say happy birthday. When Tyler’s hand finds mine in the crowd of people, he pulls me into him, and I melt.

“Are you mad?”

I look up at him, tears streaming down my cheeks. “No. How could I be?”

Tyler grins. “I knew you always wanted a big surprise party deep down. You could say no till you’re blue in the face, but here we are, and you’re smiling like a goon.”

“A goon?” I giggle. “Shut up and kiss me already.”

He does, complete with a fancy dip and twirl, as the music begins pumping through the speakers.

And then I celebrate my birthday like I never have before.

Surrounded by so much love.



Eight months later…
