Page 7 of House Rules

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I pull into a spot by the door, the neon sign lighting up "Palace Pizza & Subs." The air from the open windows brings in the smell of pizza baking; making my mouth water in anticipation. I suddenly realize how hungry I am, sharp pangs pushing me out the door. "Ready?" I call to Emma as I go to open my door. Hearing no response, I turn back to see her mouth dropped open, her eyes bulging in shock.

"What's wrong?" I ask but I follow her gaze and find my answer. Her mother stands by the door, her arms crossed. Shit, I don't remember my dad looking that pissed when I crashed his car. "Oh shit..." I mutter under my breath, not believing my own eyes.

Emma looks over at me, a pained expression on her face. My heart aches for her. What a shitty thing to have to deal with. And, from what I can gather in this short time, she deals with her every day. Before I can react, Emma is out of the truck, slamming the door behind her.

I flinch, my body tensing. Easy there, easy. I watch as she storms over to her mother, her words loud and biting. No disrespect, I must say. Only pure frustration. Did she follow us here? Wait in the parking lot and watch for us to leave? I shake my head at the absurdity. At the same time, I want to pick Emma up and get her the fuck away from here.

Emma's mother shouts loudly, Emma stands tall, not backing down. She still remains respectful, the distance between them due to Emma. But I'm glad to see she's strong, doesn't back down. "I said no to lunch, Mom! What don't you get? When will you fucking butt out of my life?" Emma throws her hands in the air, her face full of exasperation. I decide to intervene. After shutting the truck off, I get out, heading towards them.

"If you want to have lunch with us that badly, I'm sure it won't be that much of a problem," I say, trying to play the nice guy. Maybe if I win her mother over, she'll like me more. Who knows, but it's worth a shot.

Emma throws me a dirty look. I offer my hand to her mother, "I'm Knox, nice to meet you. Sorry we got off on the wrong foot before."

"Marie," she says, surprise crossing her face. Her features visibly relax. She takes my hand, giving me a curt shake with a small smile. Hey, I'll take it. It's better than her completely hating me.

"All right, then." I say, clasping my hands together, a cheeky smile crossing my face, "Let's go eat." I grab the door, opening it and gesturing for them to head inside. My mother enters first, and when Emma brushes by me, I grab her wrist, stopping her in place. "Keeps her happy, right?" Her head whips up, her eyes studying me. She's trying to figure me out, analyze me. Oh, the mind of a therapist...

I offer her a genuine smile, wanting her to know I do care. Anything to make her problem easier to deal with. It's what I do, right?

"Thanks," Emma whispers, her plump pink lips begging to be kissed.

"Are you guys coming?" Mom calls, and our moment is broken but I'll make damned sure there're more.
