Page 23 of Spurred

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It’s everything that comes after we seem to suck at.

In order to avoid falling down into the pit of despair, I’ve been diving into my studies with more enthusiasm than I’ve ever had. So far, I’ve completed all the required reading for two of my classes, and started planning out my final project for a third class.

It’s exhausting, which is the point. If I pass out from studying, I can usually make it the whole night without dreaming about Remy.

Eventually, I find the motivation to get out of the car, though it takes a few minutes. I grab my backpack from the passenger seat and lock up before heading up the stairs to my apartment.

I smile at Malia, though I know she knows it’s fake. She’s in the kitchen, busy making something on the stove. I close the door behind me and step closer to her. As soon as the scent of fried eggs hits me, my stomach turns and I bolt down the hallway to the bathroom.

I just barely make it to the toilet before I’m throwing up, emptying the contents of my stomach. I barely had anything for lunch today so there isn’t much to throw up.

“Are you okay?” Malia asks as she passes me a bottle of water.

“Yeah, I don’t know what that was,” I say as I take it and unscrew the cap.

I pull myself to my feet as I take a small sip of water, rinsing my mouth out and spitting it into the sink.

“Have you been feeling sick lately?”

“No, not really. I’ve been a little rundown lately and stressed from school,” I say, wondering what could have caused the nausea.

“It’s probably just stress. Why don’t you go lie down and get some sleep?” Malia suggests.

“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea,” I say as I take another sip of water.

“Why don’t I put on Beauty and the Beast for you,” she suggests, and I smile as I think about my favorite movie.

“That would be awesome. Thanks.”

She nods and heads out to find the movie while I lean against the bathroom sink. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out, smiling when I see that it’s my sister, Avery.

“Hey you. You must have been able to sense that I’m about to start watching Beauty and the Beast,” I tease. She gasps.

“Without me?! Pax! We need to watch Beauty and the Beast!” she calls to him. I smile.

“What?” he asks in the background.

“Gwen is watching Beauty and the Beast.”

“Without you?”

“That’s what I said!”

“Oh my gosh,” I grumble, making her giggle.

“I’ll get it set up,” Pax says. “Hi, Gwen!”

“Hi, Pax!” I yell back. He’s so sweet and attentive, hanging on her every word. I’m not jealous. I’mnot.And I’m definitely not thinking about how I wishmybeast would be sweet to me.

“How’s school? I was hoping to see you before it started,” she says.

“I know. I meant to stop by but I lost track of time.”

“Come over this weekend. You can spend the night.”

“Alright,” I agree easily, and she squeals in excitement.

“I can’t wait.”
