Page 30 of Traded to the Mafia

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“That suits me fine. Your brother has proved to be a worthy adversary to the Catalan family. In that case, I will align with Andres and the Sorvino family. I support Andres taking over the Catalan family.” My father stands. “Now, please, join me for a drink in celebration of our union.”

Everyone follows my father out of the double doors of the study onto the deck and to the bar. “What will it be, Don Sorvino?”

“Whiskey, neat,” Alessandro says. “For both of us.”

The drinks are slowly handed out, and the man called Andres raises his glass. “To new friends and new families.”

“To new families,” I murmur as I lift my cooler to my lips. I sip it, and my gaze catches Dominic’s. He’s looking at me, but there’s anger in his eyes, and I wonder what happened to the soft side I witnessed earlier.

I don’t want to stay with him any more than he does with me, but I’m not that angry. I’m annoyed, though, that he is. I’ve done everything he’s made me, listened to his stupid instructions. He can give me a goddamn break, for fucks sake.

I glare back at Dominic before I turn away to hear my father tell Alessandro about our home in Argentina.

Alessandro listens. He seems to pay careful attention, nodding and acknowledging at the appropriate moments. My father loves having an audience, so he laps it up. I don’t know if the Sorvino family is more powerful than ours. I suppose they aretheNew York family, so here they outstrip us. My father seems to enjoy having the head Don’s attention.

I stand up and excuse myself, leaving to go upstairs to my room. Realizing that I’m safe and somewhat free hits me like a ton of bricks. I see my clothes in the closet and the familiar decor of my room. I start to tear up, and before I know it, I’m sobbing. I collapse onto my bed and sob into my pillow.

When I’m done, I shower and change into comfortable clothes, not something I wore when I was on the run.

There’s a knock at my door. It’s Alessandro. “Miss Lopez, you need to pack what you want to take for now. We’ll come back for the rest at another time.”

I nod, getting up to do as he asks.

“We’ll wait for you downstairs,” he says. “And Miss Lopez, while we’ll make you as comfortable as possible, you must adhere to Dominic’s rules while staying with him.”

I nod, he seems to emanate power, and I don’t want to argue with him. I can see why he’s the Don.

He leaves, and I turn to pack.

Chapter 19 - Dominic

There are moments when I figuratively want to kill my brother. I was prepared to move on from this job, stow away my emotions, and get back to what needed to be done.

Now I have to have the princess living under my roof.

How can I compartmentalize my feelings for her if she’s constantly there? Not only that, I am practically a glorified babysitter now. Do they know what this will do to my reputation?

I’m the muscle behind the family, not some small-time guard. I execute hits. I make things happen. I don’t help little mafia princesses get to school and back. I’m not a soccer mom.

Not even my own mother was a soccer mom, for fucks sake.

Alessandro comes back downstairs after speaking to Sofia and leads me outside. “Let them say their goodbyes.”

“Alessandro, can I be frank with you?” I ask, clenching my jaw.

“You don’t have to be. I know what you’re going to say, and I overrule it anyway. No one else will give her the protection she needs like you will, Dominic. Besides, It won’t be forever.”

He gazes into my eyes. “Unless you’re not up for this simple task?”

“What about my other responsibilities?” I ask.

“I don’t expect you to stay glued to her side. She’ll be safe at any of our houses, and a driver and guards can take her to whatever school she wants. I only expect you to oversee it and keep her at your place.” He smiles. “Besides, she brings out a rather raging side of you. I like it.”

I raise an eyebrow and shake my head. “She doesn’t do anything to me.”

“I’ve never heard you refuse an order before, yet you want to?” he points out, and for the first time in my life, I can feel my cheeks color.

“See,” Alessandro puts a hand on my shoulder, “Now, get home and get the doctor to come over and treat you before you get an infection. I’ll expect to see you bright and early tomorrow.”
