Page 40 of Traded to the Mafia

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I nod. “Thank you, Don. It would be my honor.”

Alessandro laughs. “Ah, but that’s not the feisty woman my brother has moaned about.”

I look at Dominic, but he just smirks as he sits down.

I sit, and everyone talks to each other while the women bring out the food. Once everyone is settled and has food, Alessandro turns slightly to me. “Tell me, Sofia. Your father says you want to study digital art in New York. Have you applied to university?”

“I applied to two but only got into my second choice. I actually registered yesterday and updated my address details so that I am ready to start,” I say casually.

Dominic quickly says, “You did what?”

Alessandro waves him off. “Why didn’t you get into your first choice?”

“I don’t know,” I say honestly. “Maybe because I am a foreigner.”

Alessandro shakes his head. “They discriminate badly against people not from this country, even Italians. But I wish you the best of luck with your studies.” He turns back to his food, and I’m unsure what to say, so I quietly say, “Thank you.”

He asked me a few more questions about Argentina and my experiences there during the meal. What I love about New York and my family, but not my family’s business. I don’t think he has any bad intentions towards me, or so it seems.

On the other hand, Dominic keeps glaring at me as though he could kill me on the spot with a look.

I try and ignore him and answer Alessandro’s questions politely. Once lunch is over, Dominic stands. “We should get going,” he says tersely. “Alessandro, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Alessandro raises an eyebrow but doesn’t comment on Dominic’s mood. “Bright and early. I have things for you to do. Sofia, lovely to meet you again.” He looks at Dominic as he says, “You are safe in my brother's hands.”

I nod. “Thank you for having me.”

I get up and follow Dominic to the car. He doesn’t say anything the whole way home, but I can tell he’s fuming. Once we’re inside the house, he turns around. “Are you really that stupid?”

I frown. “Excuse me?”

“You used your actual name and address to register for your classes?”

“What’s wrong with that?” I say incredulously.

“Would you like to phone the Catalans and let them know you’re here to pick up?” he roars. “You’re supposed to be hidden from them, and you’re advertising where you are.”

I am taken aback, but before I can apologize, he continues to rant, “You never think before you act Princess, and that’s your biggest problem. You’re supposed to run things past me….”

“Just because I had drunken sex with you once doesn’t mean you own me,” I snap at him angrily.

“You must run it past me because I’m your security detail. God, you don’t think at all.”

“And you don’t give a damn about anyone except your family,” I say, storming upstairs.

Chapter 25 - Dominic

She’s infuriating. Everything about her just pisses me off, and I am so turned on by it, which is frustrating the fuck out of me. I feel like I can’t decide what I want, especially not after having her at the club. This was the first time she mentioned it, and not in a good way, and I’m not going to bring it up with her.

We spend the next three days ignoring each other, and although I find it peaceful, I miss hearing her annoying princess voice.

While I’m sitting in the kitchen having coffee, she comes in and puts her hands on the countertop, standing in front of me. “We need to talk.”

Oh, God, the conversation I’ve been dreading.

“What about?” I ask, not looking at her.

She crosses her arms. “I hate that I’m dependent on you for everything. If I want to do something or if I want something, I have to run it past you. This has to come to an end. Also, I want a cellphone. I don’t care how you block the signal, but I want to be able to contact my family and friends in Argentina.”
