Page 49 of Traded to the Mafia

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I hang up and hobble out to the side of the house, where there’s a large shed. Carlos follows me, and I say, “Get a few men ready, as much ammo as they can get. I will ping her cell phone to see where last it went off. We must do this carefully, or they will take us out at the knees.”

“How carefully?”

“By carefully, I mean not one of those motherfuckers comes out alive, do you understand?”

“I’ll get Carmine,” Carlos says, walking away.

I enter the shed that remained untouched due to the security locks and switch on the light. Weapons of all kinds line the walls and the table in the center. I look around and nod, “This will do,” I say to myself.

I carefully change into a bulletproof vest, as painful as it is. I know I could send my men on their own, especially since Carmine is an amazing mercenary. Second only to me.

Once I’ve finished strapping as many weapons to myself as I can manage without being weighed down, I grab one set of keys from the many hanging in a box to the left of the door.

I walk into the large garage at the side of the house and hit the button, unlocking the armored vehicle sitting to the right.

I climb in, start the car and rev it.

I’m getting my Sofia back, she’s my princess, and no one touches my things. Least of all some filthy mug like Jose Catalan.

He has declared war, not only on my family but on me personally, and war is what I’m best at.

Chapter 30 - Sofia

There are three guards. Each one takes a chance to punch me in whatever part of my body they choose. The bigger one, they called Wretch, tears my shirt open and howls with laughter.

I won’t lie. I’m terrified they’re going to rape me. I know in my heart that once Dominic knows I’m gone, he’ll come to rescue me, but I don’t know if he’ll be here in time to stop this.

The short guard, whose name I don’t know, slaps me across the face. I can feel the blood running down from a cut near my temple. I groan and spit. Blood muddies my saliva that hits the ground.

“Untie her,” Wretch says, standing up straight.

The third guard, Storm, cuts the cable ties holding me to the chair, and he and no-name force me onto my feet. Wretch punches me in the gut, and I double over, crying out.

“You see, you’re just a fragile little plaything,” Storm sneers.

I look up at Wretch defiantly. “When the Sorvinos learn I’m missing, they will come and kill all of you.”

Wretch lets out a guttural laugh, holding his belly. “Oh, we expect Sorvino to come after you. I mean, you’re his plaything. When he does, we’ll kill him and you together. How romantic. But first, maybe we should make you our plaything.”

He uses a finger to lift my chin, and I move quickly, biting into it. He punches my head, and I release his finger, feeling dazed.

One of the two men holding me kicks my knees out, so I’m kneeling on the floor.

They twist my arms and pull them behind me. It feels like the pressure is going to dislocate them when suddenly they kick me in the back, releasing my arms at the same time. I slam into the floor, and I’m sure I’ve chipped a tooth. I’ve definitely bit my lip. The taste of blood is stronger in my mouth.

Wretch looks down at me with a smirk. “Leave her. We’ll play with her some more later.”

Storm kicks me one last time for good measure, and he and Wretch leave. ‘No-name’ stands at the door. I lie against the cold floor and breathe, trying to adapt to my pain.

Dominic would want me to be strong. He would be strong. I know he’ll come to get me.

I swallow some more blood and grimace, lifting my head slowly. I have to push through. I have to put up a fight, no matter what. I am no one's plaything.

I shimmy out of the torn rags of my shirt so that I’m left standing in just my bra. I hear a chuckle from ‘no-name,’ but I don’t do anything to give him any satisfaction. Instead, I turn my back on him and press the torn rags to my head to stem the bleeding.

I hobble over to the corner, my legs feeling weak. I sink down with my back to the corner, keeping an eye on ‘no-name.’ I gently touch my face. I can tell it’s bruised from the amount of pain I feel when my fingers press lightly against my skin.

They’re going to regret this so much.
