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I glance up and nearly choke on my breath. He's staring at me with those steely grey eyes that seem to be able to see through me every time he looks at me. It used to unsettle me a little, the way he would look at me. But now, there's something thrilling about it.

He knows now. He knows how I feel about him if he's seen my website. Might as well be honest.

I... I'm embarrassedI finally admit, stumbling over my words. I want to say more and try to defend myself, but the words fail to leave my lips. There's nothing I can say that will change anything about the situation at this point.

Mister Fletcher is watching me, and I can feel the weight of his gaze on me, taking in the sight of me. My cheeks flush hotter, and I know that I'm probably bright red right now.


The question shakes me out of my embarrassment for a moment. My eyes flicker up to him, and there's absolutely a look of hunger in his eyes. He's seen my website. He knows how I feel about him. And he isn't... upset about it at all.

You...I breathe, but it's the only word I can get out. I'm staring at Mister Fletcher, taking in every detail of him. I wish I could look away, but I want to take in the sight of him.

His sharp jawline. His intense eyes locked on me. His hands clasped together on the desk in front of him. The sharp suit that he wears every day always manages to make me pause and stare at least once a day when he's not looking at me. The faint stubble on his face gives him a look that is just slightly scruffy that contrasts every other aspect about him.

I saw. There's nothing you should be embarrassed about.His voice is deeper now, with that hunger that I first noticed in his eyes starting to spread into his voice. When I finally gather the courage to look up at his eyes again, I jump a little.

He's leaning towards me, over the desk. Close enough for my breath to catch in my throat the second I notice it. My entire body tenses, wanting to arch closer and reach out to him. He's close enough to touch if I just... let him.

In fact... I think you have a lot to be proud of,he whispers to me, almost close enough for me to feel his breath against my skin. I can smell his cologne on his skin, and a shiver goes down my spine as I indulge myself, sucking in a deep breath. It was meant to calm me down. But instead, my brain is alive with adrenaline now.

I did see what's on your website. It seems like you certainly know who your audience is.From the strain in his voice, I know that he definitely saw my website. Hell, maybe he watched a video or swiped through a photoshoot. I wouldn't be surprised by the way that he's talking to me right now.

Like he wants nothing more than to drop the act right now and fuck me here in his office.

Mister Fletcher?I ask, my voice shaking and breathy. If this scenario were real, I probably would have snapped by now. I would have given in and reached out to touch his face or pulled him into a kiss.

But in my mind, I would try to act composed. I always assumed that Mister Fletcher would be cold and uncaring. But there's a strange warmth to him through all the professionalism.

Not that the professionalism is bad, either. I like seeing him in a suit. I like catching those little moments where his eyes linger on me for a second too long. I like the professionalism because it makes the moments of weakness that much more thrilling.

How many times did you want to say that when you were filming? How many times have you thought of me while filming?

I have to bite down on my lip to keep myself from losing my cool. I'm squirming a bit in my seat as my body starts to crave any sort of contact with him. But I'm too afraid to make the first move. Instead, I look up at him with pleading eyes, hoping that he can see the desperation in my face.

Every time.

It's the truth. He's been my muse from the day that I met him.

The first time we met, it felt like I was meeting someone special. Someone who was somehow... more to me. I'm not sure if it's because he's the CEO or my boss or just because that's the sort of personality he naturally has, but I fell for him the second we met.

And after that, it was hard not to let it spread into the online business part of my life. It took a few days for me to snap and hesitantly try recording anything vaguely related to him, but it was my best work, and the audience absolutely loved it.

The idea is that the secretary is madly in love with her boss. Quietly wanting him all the time. Her heart skipping a beat every time she was called into his office.

Of course, everyone just assumed that the outfits I wore in those photoshoots and videos were just costumes for my website. But there was something thrilling about being hidden in plain sight.

Every time? Really? Then it truly is rude that you never invited me.Mister Fletcher's voice has softened to something softer than velvet. I'm starting to melt just from his words and lose my sense of self-control. That's been the only thing keeping me from acting on this fantasy in real life.

God, if he ever talked to me like that. The things I would do for him...

I'm sorry-The words are rushing out of my mouth the second I’m able to catch my breath, but his hand reaches out to tilt my head up, making me look him in the eye. My pulse is pounding in my ears, and my breath is coming in stuttering gasps, being so close to him. Our faces are just a few inches away, close enough that I can see the details of his pupils.

It's fine. We can get started right now. Come here.His words are short and clipped with a sense of authority and demandingness that makes me go weak in the knees. Too weak to even attempt to move until his hand leaves my face, and he leans back in his chair, and I feel that twisting, overwhelming urge to get closer to him. I have to push myself up with my hands, wobbling on my feet for a moment before I'm able to walk around the desk and stand in front of him.

Mister Fletcher is sitting in his office chair. His legs are sprawled apart, and his eyes look me up and down. I'm close enough to see the rise and fall of his chest quicken after a moment of staring at each other.

Where do you want me?I ask. It's really the only question I have in my mind right now. Nothing else is stopping me from taking anything Mister Fletcher will give me right now.
