Page 11 of Destiny of Love

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The driver started the engine, and we pulled away from the curb. Outside, I took note of the neighborhood. Dusty Pine was clearly in need of some attention. Dilapidated buildings dotted the streets, graffiti stained the walls, and rubbish piled on the sidewalk. I didn’t like knowing that someone as sweet as Bea was living in such a dangerous place. I hope one day soon, I’d be able to change that.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

I laughed, “I thought you would have learned your lesson by now. You know I’d rather keep it a secret up until the big reveal. Do you trust me?”


“Then you know it’s going to be somewhere good, especially if you haven’t explored much of the city yet. I want to share my treasure chest of Cherrywood Falls gems with you.”

Reaching across, I grabbed her hand in mine and gave it a little squeeze. I loved the feel of her skin against mine. It sparked something inside me which just felt so raw and real.

“I hope it’s not somewhere too luxurious! I’m not really dressed for the occasion.”

I grinned, “You’re dressed perfectly for what I have in mind.”

Bea was wearing a floral wrap dress, which emphasized her curves. It was the first time I’d seen her in something other than jeans, and my mind was running wild. I wondered what it would be like to run my hand across her bare thigh. I wanted to hear her moan as I inched my hand up to her panties. It was just as well we pulled up to our destination before my mind went any further, or else I didn’t think I could resist any longer.

Bea read the sign, “Cherrywood Aquarium?”

“Yes. Are you ready?”

Bea broke into a broad smile, “More than ever.”

The driver held the door for us as we climbed out. This time, I held Bea’s hand as we walked up to the entrance. We didn’t have to wait in line for tickets. I had everything planned. The first few tanks were brightly lit, but the deeper we got into the building, the darker it grew, and soon, only the blue glow lit our way around the aquarium. Each tank held an array of sea life, beautiful animals gracefully swimming through the water.

“This is amazing,” Bea said, walking to a glass wall and placing her hand flat on the surface.

The manta rays were elegant, gliding through the water, but they were nothing in comparison to the stunning woman watching them. From that angle, the light from the water rippled across her face, highlighting each feature as they went by. Moving closer, I gently tucked the hair behind her ear so I could see her face better. She looked at me, her breathing quickening.

“Come, I have something to show you.”

She didn’t say a word as I led her through the winding pathways, past all the other visitors to a fenced-off section. The employee on hand recognized me instantly and opened the gate for us to enter. We walked around the corner to a massive open space in front of a shark tank. On the floor, a blanket had been laid out, along with two glasses and an expensive bottle of red wine. Bea squealed with delight.

“Is this for us?”

I nodded, “Just for us. I had to pull a few strings, but I wanted it to be special.”

We settled down onto the blanket, and I poured us two glasses. I watched as she sipped hers carefully, savoring the taste in her mouth. I couldn’t help but notice the bob in her delicate throat as she swallowed. My senses seemed heightened when I was around her.

“This place is magical,” she breathed as she watched a shark swim past, followed by a school of small fish, “I never thought in a million years I would find myself in a place like this. At least, not in the city. Thank you for bringing me here.”

“Thank you for being here with me. I couldn’t think of anyone better to share this moment with.”

I didn’t know whether it was just me or the room suddenly got darker. It was as though everything faded out around us as I looked into her eyes. I knew that there was no point resisting as I placed the glass down and wrapped my arms around her. As I pulled her in, I could smell the scent of jasmine in her perfume, consuming me as my mouth met hers. It was gentle at first but became more urgent as we pressed into one another. I could taste the red wine still lingering on her lips as my tongue entered her mouth. It was a miracle that I was able to pull away at all, but when I did, I was rock hard and raring to go. Still, I knew it wasn’t the time. Not yet.

Beatrix Nestor, what are you doing to me?


~ Bea ~

I was glowing.

There were no other words to describe it. I had been glowing since the moment his lips had met mine in the shimmering darkness of the aquarium. It had been the perfect first kiss on the perfect date. Everything about him was perfect! We had finished our evening at the hidden French restaurant before he dropped me off at home and kissed me on my doorstep. Since then, we had been calling and texting each other all weekend. I never wanted this feeling to stop.

“Bea, Richard said he would like to see you downstairs.”

Richard? He only ever called me if there was a new project to work on. Excited, I grabbed my notepad and pen and rushed over to the elevator. It seemed to be unbearably slow getting to my floor, so I opted for the stairs instead. I took two at a time as I rushed to meet the manager. Beads of sweat popped up on my brow as I neared his office. The door was ajar as I went to enter, and it was from his doorway that I spotted her.
