Page 14 of Destiny of Love

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“But what do you think?” he asked, “About what she said?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t want to believe it, but it all makes sense. Why would you ever be with someone like me?”

His laughter seemed out of place at that moment as he pulled me in closer. Grabbing my hands, he massaged them between his own before speaking.

“You really don’t see how amazing you are, do you? Do you truly believe that I’m out of your league? You’re wrong. I’m the lucky one to have met you. You’re the most spectacular woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. You’re funny, smart, charming, beautiful, and genuine, to list but a few of your many stunning qualities. In this city of robots, I admire your ability to stand out and be yourself. I may have shown you the city, but you’ve shown me how to be myself. You make me want to be a better man. Of all the gems in Cherrywood Falls, you’re the greatest, and I’m the luckiest guy in the world to have discovered it.”

His eyes searched mine. I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t say anything. I was so overwhelmed by his words there was only one thing I could do. Leaning in, I wrapped my arms around his neck and stretched up on my toes to kiss him. As soon as our mouths met, I knew that I had nothing to worry about. I knew I had spent a week beating myself up about Veronica’s words when I should have been spending it with Noah. I could tell from that kiss that he had meant every word. When we pulled apart, I finally managed to smile for the first time this week.

“And there’s the smile I’ve been looking for,” he caressed my cheek, “I’m so sorry she ever came near you. Veronica crossed the line, and I’ll be making sure everyone knows about it. I’ll report it to her boss, and I’ll ensure that Digitron never works with that woman again. I always thought there was something wrong with her, and I’m so sorry I didn’t stop her sooner. You should have never been involved in her obsessive lunacy. I’ll also be speaking to your manager to clear things up.”

“You really don’t have to.”

“Yes. I do. This is my mess, and I intend to clean it up. Plus, I want to. You deserve only happiness in your life. Let me do this for you.”

I nodded and wrapped my arms back around him, holding my head close to his chest so I could feel his heartbeat through his shirt. All the blackness and pain that had infected my world slowly started to ebb away and was replaced with that light only Noah brought with him. After a week of heartache, it felt amazing to be held and know that everything would work out.

“I’m sorry I didn’t call you back. I should have talked to you about it.”

“And I should have come here sooner. I had a feeling something was wrong and I just let it get to the both of us. But I promise, from here on out, we’re a team. Are you good with that?”

I looked up at him, “What are you trying to say?”

He gave me that adorable lopsided smile of his, “Well, I’m not one to put labels on things, but I’d like to think that we’re exclusive. Would you like to be my girlfriend?”

My squeal sounded through the enclosed office, and I’m sure anyone outside must have wondered what was going on. I planted kisses all over his face before speaking.

“I’d like that very much.”


~ Noah ~

We dropped into our chairs.

Our entire Saturday had been spent exploring the city. I had been trying to cram in as much as possible, and my feet were sore. I didn’t know how far we had walked, but I’m sure I had done enough for the whole month. Beatrix had soldiered on right up until the last minute where I found us a table at an exclusive restaurant. Keeping it simple, I did the same as before – ordered the house red and whatever specialty they had going for the both of us.

“I think I can officially say you’re a true Cherrywood Falls resident at this point,” I grinned.

She giggled, “To hell with that! I’m a Cherrywood Falls expert! I’m pretty sure most of the people in this city haven’t been to all the places we’ve been to today.”

“Which was your favorite?”

“All of them. Anywhere with you is my favorite,” she said with a big smile.

I laughed, “You’re so sappy. I haven’t had this much fun in years.”

Bea sat back and stared at me. I could tell something was running through her mind. I already knew better than to wait it out.

“What is it?” I asked.

“There’s been something I’ve been meaning to ask…”


“Your childhood,” she said slowly, “You don’t talk about it much and whenever you do, it’s not very positive. What was it like, if you don’t mind me asking?”

Now that was a question. I had always avoided talking about my childhood with anyone. That’s probably why my previous relationships never worked out. I wasn’t willing to be open with them. But Bea was different, and I felt comfortable talking to her. It just felt right.
