Page 15 of Destiny of Love

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“My childhood was the complete opposite of yours. Where your parents let you explore and discover yourself, my parents had a rigid line I had to toe. They didn’t accept anything less than perfect and believed that children should be seen and not heard. I didn’t have a voice until I reached my late teens. I had to have the best grades and stay on track for a successful career. They weren’t too happy when I picked software development, but now they’ve seen just how far I’ve climbed, I think they’re starting to accept me.”

Bea looked appalled, “Starting? They should have accepted you a long time ago. They treated you like a project rather than a child. It must have been hard.”

She leaned across the table and grasped my hand in hers. It had been hard but having her there with me took the edge off of it. I now had a future to look forward to. Hopefully, with her by my side.

“Well, now I have you,” I admitted, “And as I said before, you make me feel like myself. That’s what makes you so special. You understand people, not just as how they appear, but the fundamentals of their essence. Just one of the many reasons I’m lucky to be with you.”

Dinner whirled by with plenty of laughter and good food. By the time we had finished talking, the sky outside was pitch black, and we were the last people left in the restaurant. The waiters looked less than impressed with us keeping them from closing up, so I ensured to leave a hefty tip as I paid the bill. The time I spent with Bea was priceless anyway. As we went to leave, I felt an intense sadness at going. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Bea just yet. It seemed that she felt the same way.

“Do you want to come back to mine?” she asked, looking up through her eyelashes.

I could tell from the tilt in her mouth and the darkening in her eyes that she wanted more than just to hang out. I had to agree. It had been painful to resist her for so long, and I wanted to take the next step with her. Now was as good as time as ever.

“Sure, do I finally get to meet the infamous Kurt?”

Bea laughed, “Not quite. He’s out with his boyfriend, Marcus. We’ll have the place to ourselves.”

The implication was there, and I could already feel myself growing hard in anticipation of the activities to come. The thought that I could finally claim Bea in bed excited me more than anything. I held the door open for her and watched as she climbed in, her dress temptingly close to revealing her lingerie. Soon.

“Just lead the way.”


~ Bea ~

My whole body tingled.

His presence inside my apartment had my whole body standing up at attention. I had decided that tonight was the night. I could wait no longer. We had ironed out any commitment issues, and now I wanted to commit to him in bed. I poured us two hefty glasses of wine and passed one over to him before joining him on the couch.

“You’ve got a great place here. I love the table.”

“Kurt will be thrilled to hear that. The table means a lot to us. Like a symbol of our friendship, odd-looking on the outside but strong at the core. You’ll have to come around when we throw our next party. It’s a lot of fun.”

“Anywhere with you is fun,” he said, nuzzling into my neck.

I wasn’t sure if he realized his effect on me, even with those minor movements. His hot breath against my skin had me tingling down below. My eyes closed momentarily as I savored it. When I opened them, he was looking directly at me, hunger reflected in his own eyes. Before I could say anything, his mouth was on mine. He pushed me down flat against the couch and grinded against me. It was difficult to ignore the throbbing erection he had pressed up against my stomach. As his mouth moved against mine, he slipped his hand under my dress. I gasped as he reached up and massaged my breast in his hand. He tweaked the nipple, twirling it between his thumb and forefinger until it was hard. His mouth moved down as he nipped at my neck, his tongue swirling in the concave at the bottom of my throat.

“Do you want this?” he growled as he looked up at me.

Still unable to speak, I nodded as he lowered himself down my body. When he reached my exposed breasts, he sucked one of my nipples into his mouth and ever so gently bit down. With his free hand, he squeezed tightly onto the other breast, molding it between his fingers. Every movement was expertly tuned to give the ultimate pleasure. He was a sex god, and he knew it. I was no match for him with my limited knowledge.

His tongue trailed down my center, swirled around my navel before reaching the top of my thigh. My dress was pushed up, so he had a full view of the lacey blue thong I was wearing. His finger hooked under the top, and he moved it back and forth, running across the top of my mound. Agonizingly slowly, he inched it down my legs before casting it to the side. Now, other than the flimsy material of my dress pushed up to my neck, I was completely naked. He leaned back, and his eyes traversed my body. Under his scrutiny, I went to cover my breasts with my hands but he pushed them away.

“Don’t you dare cover up these masterpieces. Bea, I can’t even tell you how stunning you look right now. Nudity suits you.”

As he leaned in, he entered me with two fingers. Placing one hand on the flat of my stomach, he started building up the tempo. With every push, he seemed to hit my g-spot head-on. I threw my head back into the cushions as he continued to pleasure me with his fingers. Just before I thought it couldn’t get any better, he dipped his head low and sucked my clit into his mouth. He flicked it with his tongue, swirling it and biting gently. Every movement ignited a spark within me until I felt like a firework show on the Fourth of July. My moans resonated through the room as I gripped onto his hair, trying to stabilize myself as he drew me closer to the edge.

“I’m nowhere near done with you yet,” he grinned as he pulled away, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

As he stood up, my eyes lowered to his waist where he was undoing his belt. With a tug, he had flicked it out of the loops, and it snapped across the room. Next, he began to unbutton his pants, pushing them down, so he was left in just his boxers. His erection strained against the material, just waiting to be let loose.

“Are you ready for me?” he asked, running his tongue along his lower lip.

Still not able to form words, I simply nodded. With a simple flick, he pushed his boxers down, and his erection sprang free. He climbed on top of me, pushing my legs back with his shoulders. It had been so long since I had been intimate with another person, and I could feel myself soaking through with excitement. The head of his pulsing cock pushed up against my opening, my juices slickening the tip. With a grunt, he entered me, stretching me out as he did so. I couldn’t help but bite down on his upper arm as he bent in low. His next thrust was harder, plunging deep within me. I moaned as he continued to slam into me, every push adding to my impending orgasm. Sweat formed on his brow as he picked up speed, his breathing deepening as he pounded me. The springs in the couch creaked, not used to such vigorous movements. It was when he reached between my legs; I knew it was game over. He brazenly rubbed my clit alongside his thrusts, building me up to a height I hadn’t reached before until, with a final push, he slammed me into a thunderous orgasm. It went through me, rippling through every nerve in my system as I screamed out to the empty apartment. Soon after, he followed, and I felt myself filled to the brim with his own release. Exhausted, we melded into one another, trying to regain our composure after such earth-shattering orgasms.

He smirked, “Was that as good for you as it was for me?”

“Better,” I breathed, planting a kiss on the tip of his nose, “But I’m ridiculously exhausted now. You’ve just capped off the day with a perfect ending.”
