Page 17 of Destiny of Love

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She broke out into a grin, “I love you too, Noah Rover. You’re the only man for me.”

After that, we were questioned by the police and had to give our statement. There was a lot of mess, and Beatrix lost her job. It was just as well as we needed a designer at Digitron. Fast forward a year, and this is where we are today. I got her out of Dusty Pines, as promised, and now Bea has permanent residence in my penthouse in Golden Oaks. My project was a huge success, but Beatrix is no longer a designer. Instead, she’s now Head of Marketing. It turns out her talent was wasted over on the other side of the park, and it just needed someone with the right eye to notice a gem hidden amongst the rubble. But, most exciting of all, is that Beatrix won’t be a Nestor for much longer. That’s right. We’re engaged! Surprisingly, my parents approved of her right away, although their opinion nowadays doesn’t matter. I’m my own man, thanks to Bea. It seems like destiny worked its magic by putting us on that same train at the same time that fateful morning.

We were just meant to be.

~Noah Rover & Beatrix Nestor


~ Amanda ~

Their letter had been a bigger success than I expected. Thousands of readers fell in love with their story, and my editor was thrilled. It appears I’ve earned my place in the magazine for at least a few more months.

The weekend after it was published, I decided to follow in their footsteps. I rode the J train into Cherrywood Falls’ center and had breakfast at the coffee shop around the corner. After taking a tour of Cherrywood Aquarium, I had lunch at Café de Bisous and dinner at one of the exclusive restaurants mentioned in the letter. It certainly put a dent in my purse, but it was worth every cent. Just like Beatrix, I came to love this city and feel its pulse beneath me. I met the old lady in the cafe who had plenty to say about Noah. She absolutely adored him. The barristers in the coffee shop were familiar with the couple’s order. They frequented there nearly every weekday. I even managed to have a chat with the vendor selling burritos. I had one as an afternoon snack and was bowled away by their taste. Every step I took seemed to make the couple in the letter jump off the page and come to life. By the time I got back on the train, I felt like I knew them personally.

As I walked back home that evening, I wondered what it would feel like to find that kind of love that Noah and Bea shared. It really was as though destiny had put those two together on the train, ensuring they were at the same place at the same time. It was a unique story. A beautiful one. One that I was glad they had decided to share with the world.

The sun began to settle in the distance, and golden hues danced across the rooftops. Kids started to return home after a day of playing, and adults arrived back from work. I watched as the city flowed around me. Every household had its own story, just like a fingerprint, entirely their own. I wondered if any of them would be the next person to submit their love story for the Soulmate Section.

I was almost home when I spotted a couple sitting out on their porch drinking. They looked so happy with one another. They were wrapped up in their own little world. I thought about what their love story might be and how they got to where they were today. I wondered if it was anywhere near as romantic as Noah and Beatrix’s.

All I knew was that I was ready for February’s theme – time for some Realization.
