Page 16 of Destiny of Love

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“I just couldn’t resist anymore, what can I say? But I agree, I’m tired too.”

I smiled, “Well, it’s settled then. You’re staying here with me tonight.”


~ Noah ~

I knew something was wrong as soon as I answered.

The weekend had gone by in a blur of exploring the city and one another. It was difficult to leave the bed, but her smile gave me as much pleasure as an orgasm. When it was time for me to return to my penthouse, it was a struggle to say goodbye. However, I timed it perfectly, so I caught Bea on the train that Monday morning and got to walk her to her office. So then why was she calling me? Unsettled, I answered my phone.

“Bea is everything…”

I didn’t manage to finish my sentence as a screech sounded from the phone. I had to move it away from my ear or risk a perforated eardrum. Within a second, I was up from my desk and rushing out of my office. My secretary looked up in surprise, but I didn’t try to explain as I dashed for the elevator.

“Bea!” I shouted into the phone, “What’s happening?”

“She’s here!” Bea replied.



“I’m on my way.”

My blood ran cold at the sound of her name. I had promised to keep her away, and I had failed. Although I made sure to cut all professional ties with her, she still didn’t seem to get the message. Or she did and was retaliating and taking it out on Beatrix. I just hoped I could get there before it was too late.

As soon as the elevator doors sprung open, I sprinted out of the office building and across the park. People looked at me in confusion as I ran in my full business attire. When I entered Lavender Bricks Design’s building, I didn’t bother to talk to the receptionist. She called after me as I ran past, but I had no time to sign the visitors’ book today. I jabbed at the 3rd-floor button in the elevator and nervously waited until I reached the right floor. When I did, I saw more chaos than I had on my visit before—a sign of Veronica’s wrath. Following the sounds of screaming, I ran toward the area where I found Veronica ripping cables out from behind computers. Upon seeing me, Bea looked over at me hopelessly as other employees attempted to stop the madwoman. I knew I would have to intervene.

“Veronica!” I called, striding forward.

Everyone turned to face me. I could see a mixture of distress and amusement in their eyes. It would most certainly be the talk of the office for years to come. Luckily, my voice also seemed to stop Veronica in her tracks as she turned around and pinned me down with her stare. Gone was the cool and collected facade she usually had. Now a crazed woman looked back at me. Her hair was a mess, and her clothes were crumpled, as though she had slept in them.

“Noah. This is your fault. You got me fired because of this two-bit hussy!”

I grimaced, “Don’t call Beatrix that. You had no reason to confront her in the first place. Bea is my girlfriend, and you were my financial advisor. I don’t know why you got it in your head that there was something else there, but I can assure you there’s not.”

Veronica looked at me incredulously, “You picked her over me? Her!? Just look at her! How can she compare to me? She’s an unpaid intern with no job prospect.”

“She’s an amazingly talented woman with all the potential in the world. You, however, are going to the police station. If you thought being fired from your job was bad, I can’t imagine how you’re going to get any form of work after this.”

As though on cue, police burst through the elevator doors. The crowds parted as they rushed at the angry brunette, forcing Veronica down before cuffing her. All around us, people whispered, trying to make sense of the situation. I still couldn’t wrap my head around it. I still couldn’t understand how she was so obsessed with me that she brought destruction to everything, including her future.

“She’ll never be as good as me,” Veronica screeched as they dragged her out of the office.

“No. She’ll always be better.”

Bea rushed over to me, and I wrapped her in my arms, stroking her hair. I uttered a hundred apologies, but she just smiled and looked up at me.

“You kept your promise. You kept me safe from her. Not my office, but I’m okay, at least. Do you mean what you said?”

“Every word.”

“I still don’t understand why you picked me.”

It was at this moment I knew without a doubt what I had to say. I hadn’t felt more certain about anything else in my life before.

“Because, Beatrix Nestor, I love you. I’ve known it from the second I laid eyes on you.”
