Page 5 of Destiny of Love

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“The one you always ogle in the morning? You finally made a move. I’m impressed.”

“Not all of us can move to a city and find someone right away. Where’s Marcus anyway? I thought he was going to come around today?”

Kurt sighed and propped his head upon his hand, “As usual, he’s running late. This is why I can’t commit to him. He’s just too unreliable.”

Marcus James was Kurt’s on-and-off boyfriend. They had been dating for almost as long as Kurt had been in the city. Except they kept breaking things off and getting back together. It was more drama than I was accustomed to, and there were plenty of times where we had pigged out in front of the TV, watching B-movies and devouring tubs of ice-cream while he cried over Marcus. They were in a good place now, but I could tell it would start going downhill again pretty soon. Selfish as it was, I wanted them to hold out a little longer so I could share my own romantic milestones with my best friend.

“I’m sure he has a good reason. Don’t get yourself down just yet.”

Kurt smiled and sat upright again, “Enough about me, let’s focus on you while I wait. So, you had coffee with the mysterious trainman and then exchanged numbers? What happens now?”

“He said he’d see me soon, so I assume he’ll call me or something.”

Kurt frowned, “Well, if he invites you out, we had better get some more dirt on him. I don’t want my little country girl getting snatched up by some complete stranger, never to be seen again. I’ve heard of things happening like that in this city. You’re not on the farm anymore. Do you have his full name?”

I nodded, “Noah. Noah Rover. Why?”

Kurt grinned before grabbing his laptop from beside him and opening it up on the table. I shuffled around to face the screen as I watched him open up his browser. He typed in Noah’s name and started searching for him.

“Isn’t this stalking?” I asked.

“Internet stalking, to be precise. A perfectly healthy thing nowadays. Don’t tell me you haven’t done a search on someone’s social media profile before?”

Of course, I had. I used to be the least popular student in high school, closely followed by Kurt. It seemed our school wasn’t very accepting of a hippy farm girl and a gay black boy. That’s why we became best friends. We looked out for one another and endured a lot. By the time we had graduated, we were inseparable. It just felt natural to move in together after that.

“Is this him?”

Kurt swiveled the screen to face me, and there, looking as handsome as ever in a pristine business suit, was Noah. His face was serious, not a whisper of a smile on his features, a stark contrast to the man I had met this morning. It appeared to be on a company site.


“It’s one of the biggest software development companies in the world,” Kurt explained, “And your man here is the manager for one of their major projects. If he pulls it off, that guy is going to be balling. I have to say you did extremely well with picking him out. He’s quite the hottie.”

“No serial killer vibes?” I giggled.

“Can’t say for sure yet. Let’s see if we can pull up one of his social media profiles.”

After a few minutes of searching, Kurt had found what he wanted. We both scanned the screen as he scrolled down. He was minimalistic in the information he distributed, mainly focused on his work and studies that he had done throughout his life. But, occasionally, I would catch glimpses of a woman in his photos, standing next to him. I wondered whether she had a romantic or professional relationship with him. I knew it was early on, but I felt the green tendrils of jealousy wrap around my neck. I decided not to say anything, wanting to trust Noah from the get-go. I’m sure that if she were important to him, I would be introduced sooner rather than later. At least, I hoped so.

“Just turned thirty. Super driven and successful. Intelligent. A total hottie. It seems almost too good to be true. Although you totally deserve this, Bea. Maybe those idiots at school didn’t know it, but you were always destined to shine.”

Before I could reply, the buzzer sounded, and Kurt slammed down the top of his laptop before rushing over to the door. So much for being mad at Marcus! After buzzing him in, I waited a few minutes. And then he made his appearance, clutching a large bar of chocolate.

“Sorry, babe. An old lady collapsed at the bus stop, and we all stopped to help her. She’s fine, though. I bought you your favorite as an apology for being late.”

As he wrapped him in an embrace, Kurt looked over at me so I mouthed the words ‘told you so’ before smirking. Obviously feeling bad, Kurt kissed Marcus on the cheek before they went to the couch.

“Want to watch a movie with us?” Marcus asked.

I waved my hand dismissively, “I’ll leave you two lovebirds up to it. I’m going to get an early night. I have a sneaky suspicion that I’m going to need to look my best tomorrow.”


~ Noah ~

I was early.

I knew I should have waited a few extra minutes, but I was too eager and jumped on the wrong train. Now, I had to wait for Bea to make an appearance at our station. I had gotten some rather odd looks as I stood there, scanning every face that left the train to ensure I didn’t miss her. I had been standing there for about twenty minutes when I finally spotted her. I knew I shouldn’t have been so worried about missing her. I could pick her out from a million faces. Hers would always be the most enchanting.
