Page 6 of Destiny of Love

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“Bea!” I called out to her, just narrowly managing to grab her wrist before she slipped by.

“Noah,” she grinned, letting me pull her along to a quieter part of the platform, “Were you waiting for me?”

I rubbed the back of my neck and looked at her sheepishly, “Maybe. Not too long, though. I was going to call you last night, but I thought I’d ask you in person.”


“Do you want to get lunch today? It’s not a formal date, but I’d like to get to know you some more.”

Her smile widened, and I could tell she was happy with my proposal, “That'd be great! What time and where?”

“I thought I could meet you outside your office. I was hoping we might get something light to eat and take a stroll in the park. It’s beautiful at this time of year, as I’m sure you know. Let’s say noon?”

Bea’s eyes lit up. “I spend nearly every lunch in that park. It’s an amazing place. One of those gems of the city, just not as well hidden.”

It was funny. I spent every lunch I could spare in that park too. After all this time, and I still hadn’t seen her? It seemed that destiny was playing a cruel trick on me to make me wait this long to find her. I knew that she would look beautiful among the blossoms.

“Which company do you work for?”

“Lavender Bricks Design. As you can probably tell, I love all things creative.”

I grabbed the bottom of her fluorescent pink shirt, “I never would have guessed.”

Her laughter was music to my ears as she leaned into me. I was glad to have pulled her to the side, that I was the only one to take enjoyment from the sound of her happiness. It was yet another piece of her that I stored in my memory alongside the imprint of her hand.

Once again, we left the station side-by-side. After clicking through the turnstiles, I walked her to the same entrance to the park I had previously walked her to. She looked up at me from beneath her eyelashes. Just that one look was enough to make me think about kissing her. I wondered what it would feel like to have those supple lips move against mine; her body pressed up to me. I wanted to know what her moans sounded like when I entered her, her teeth biting down on my shoulder. I wanted to know her both physically and emotionally, her presence consuming me. Instead I decided to play it cool.

“So, are you off to rock the interning world now?”

Bea giggled, “I suppose so. What about you? I bet you’re off to do something far more important.”

“If you call ordering a team of half-witted office workers about important, then I guess I am. Trust me. I’d much rather spend my time with you.”

My comment yet again seemed to make her blush. I was a fan of seeing her cheeks turn rosy. Her absurd colored shirt also emphasized them. It was utterly endearing. She may be considered eccentric, but she was my kind of crazy.

“Noon outside my office?” she said.

“Of course, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’ll be counting down the minutes until I get to see that brilliant smile of yours again.”

She honored me with one of them as she turned to walk away. This time I stood there and watched her, savoring the look of her silhouette against the morning sunlight. I also got the opportunity to get a good look at the jeans she had picked out and just how well-fitted they were to her perky ass. I knew that for the rest of the morning, I wouldn’t be able to get her off my mind.

I whispered after her, “See you soon, Beatrix Nestor.”


~ Bea ~

My stomach was a kaleidoscope of butterflies.

The whole morning I had spent in a daze as I watched the seconds tick by. Every minute brought me closer to seeing Noah again, and my nerves were a mess. I’m known for being a hard-worker, and people would usually tell me so. But no one had bothered to bring it up today. At least none had said it to my face. I hoped my distractedness at work won’t affect my chances of a permanent job here.

At eleven fifty-nine, I had already made my way out of the building and was waiting on the sidewalk for Noah to appear. As though by clockwork, he walked out of the entrance to the park, grinning as he caught sight of me, dead on the minute.

“Were you waiting long?” he asked as he walked up to me.

“Not at all. I just didn’t want to be late for our walk.”

“I was thinking we could grab a burrito from this street vendor I know and then head into the park. What do you think?”
