Page 12 of Discovery of Love

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Clearing my throat, I raised my voice, “Everyone out. I need some time to absorb this environment and assess the handiwork. This floor is sealed off until the assessment is completed.”

I could see a look of fear in the crew’s eyes. It always was the same when I came to assess a big project. I knew I didn’t actually have to carry one out there. Just from my sight alone, I could tell it was excellent craftsmanship and up to standard. But I needed everyone to leave. Crossing my arms, I watched as they slowly filtered out the room leaving Selena and me alone. She continued to stare out the window, but I knew she was aware of our newfound privacy. As I walked up to her, I slid my arms around her front, pulling her ass into me as I nipped at her neck.

“I’ve been waiting for this all week,” I growled into her ear.

She moaned as I moved her hair out the way and started to tease her jawline with my tongue and teeth gently. When she turned to face me, I nipped on her lower lip before deepening the kiss. My hands reached down between her legs and up underneath her dress. Her breathing deepened as I started to rub her above the lace of her panties. I could already feel her wetness seeping through, slicking my fingers as I continued to tease her. My erection hardened, and I pressed it up against her. My other hand now lifted her dress up further as I slipped beneath the cup of her bra and started to roll her nipple between my fingers.

“Do you like that?” I whispered between kisses.

All she could do was nod as I increased the pressure. After a while, I released her nipple and grabbed hold of the hem of her dress. With one fluid movement, I had it up over her head and discarded it to the side. Next, I pinged her bra off before shoving down her panties. She was now completely naked apart from her heels and exposed through the windowed wall. As she went to cover herself, I quickly grabbed her arms and pulled them away.

“Let’s risk it,” I murmured, biting on her ear lobe.

I unzipped my pants enough to flick my erection out. I began to grind against the cleft in her ass, rubbing myself up and down. Gently, I shifted her legs apart using my foot so I could access her entrance. Pushing her forward, she was now pressed up against the window. I could only imagine the sight of her breasts squished against the glass, the sensation of the cold surface hardening her nipples. If someone were to look up right then, they would have seen her fully nude body. It only added to the excitement.

“Ready?” I asked.

Once again, all she could do was nod as I positioned myself behind her. As I entered her, I could feel her juices slicking my erection. It was as though her body had been made for me. I gave her a second to stretch out before pulling out and slamming into her. Her hands automatically went flying out to stabilize herself against the glass as I built up tempo. I grunted with every thrust. It felt so good that it wasn’t long before I felt the pressure building up inside me. Her legs had started to tremble, and I knew she too was on the precipice.

“Should I let you come?”

“Please,” she whimpered.

I slammed into her, releasing myself just as she too toppled over. Just as she started to scream, I covered her mouth with my hand, muffling her cry. She bit down softly into my hand as we let our orgasms flow through us. It wasn’t for another five minutes that I was able to pull out, and we gathered ourselves. Cupping her face in my hands, I kissed her deeply.

“I think I found my new favorite way to christen a project,” I laughed.

She giggled, “Well, I hope you start building a lot more soon.”


~ Selena ~

Nearly everything was perfect.

Weeks had gone by, and we’d fallen into sync. Even when I was back home with my family for Christmas, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. We had called and messaged every day I had been away, and upon my return, we had the most mind-blowing sex, which left me tingling for the rest of the day. It was that period between Christmas and New Years’ where only the skeleton crew lingered in the office did I realize what was bothering me.

His secret Friday meetings.

Between my blossoming relationship with Eddie and the festivities over Christmas, I had barely cast a thought to his schedule, and yet there it was, marked out in red on my calendar every week. I had hoped it would naturally come up in conversation before he headed off that day, but instead, he just leaned in and kissed the top of my head before disappearing into the elevator. I only had seconds to decide what to do as I grabbed my coat and ran after him. I jammed my finger into the button repeatedly until I reached the ground floor. I only just managed to see the top of his head as he walked out the door into the city of Cherrywood Falls. Hurriedly, I followed in his wake. I didn’t want to make him aware of my presence lest he try and hide his secret. I wanted to know the truth once and for all. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t just a piece on the side, that what we had was real and authentic. I was lucky that the crowds were milling about for the post-Christmas sales, and I could conceal myself behind their mass. As we continued to walk through the city, I couldn’t help but think of all the worst-case scenarios.

What if he’s cheating on me? What if he’s using me to cheat on someone else? What if he has a secret family that no one knew about?

These thoughts tormented me as we walked through Cherrywood Park. Tourists were standing about and admiring the trees covered in frost. It was a beautiful sight, but I didn’t have time to stand around. I was on a mission. When we exited the other side, my confusion doubled. We were then heading into a less affluent part of the city. What business could Eddie have being there? I almost considered stopping him and asking him myself when he ducked into an alleyway. I quickly backed into the wall and peeped around the corner just in time to see him slipping into a backdoor. The front of the building was facing the street, and outside I could see a line of people. It was a wide building but must have only had about two floors. Puzzled, I made my way towards the entrance. The people in the line eyed me warily, and I could tell from the state of their clothes that they were homeless. I walked up to the nearest one.

“What is this place?” I asked, pointing towards the building.

He looked me up and down, “Cherry Soup Kitchen. I’m guessing you don’t belong here.”

What was Eddie doing at a soup kitchen every Friday? I tried to walk through, but a man intercepted me with a sneer on his face.

“No cutting in line.”

“But I’m here to see someone,” I protested.

“Well, you’ll just have to wait like everyone else.”

So, that’s what I did. Half an hour waiting in the cold certainly made me appreciate the people around me. I couldn’t imagine spending most of my day out in this weather, living in these frosty temperatures. Looking around at the faces around me, I knew that they all must have had a hard life to end up where they were. I hoped that whatever comfort this building could bring would help ease it, if only for an hour.
