Page 11 of Discovery of Love

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“Your words are beautiful, but you sound even better when you’re screaming in pleasure,” I moved my hand upwards.

She maintained eye contact as I inched up her thigh. Her breathing deepened, and I could feel myself straining against my boxers. I didn’t know how much longer I would be able to hold out. Just before I could get to her panties, I heard the footsteps of the cabin crew ready to serve breakfast as the jet leveled. Cursing, I swiftly withdrew my hand, leaning back into my chair just as they arrived.

I’ll have you again before the day is out, Miss Ramirez.


~ Selena ~

It was like being in a dream world.

After Eddie had finally opened up about his feelings for me, it was as though the flood gates had opened. It was difficult to speak while the cabin crew was moving about, and there was certainly no touching until the jet readied to land. Even then, it was only a quick grasp of hands, an understanding that everything had changed between us.

For the better, I hoped.

After landing, it was all a bit of a blur. If it hadn’t been for the occasional hand squeeze, I would have thought Eddie had reverted to his old self. His business side took over, and he was all formal handshakes and demanding attitude. He wasn’t rude to me, in fact, he barely acknowledged me, but I felt left out all the same. Despite being his PA, I had never truly fit into his world. Everyone knew I was out of place; I was just there as a human diary for Eddie. As soon as we stepped off the jet, we had someone with us constantly. First, it was one of the architects who had helped work on the project. They rode with us in the car over there. Then it was the project manager of the build itself. Person after person came to greet us and discuss the Entertainers Direct project with Eddie. I knew we had gone there for business. But after discovering our budding relationship, we needed to take a few moments to explore it properly.

Clearly, that wasn’t going to happen.

By the time we actually got out of the car and looked up at the building, I felt utterly lost. And yet, the building spoke volumes. It was an intimidating structure, towering above all its neighbors. Sleek lines cut vertically through the building, slicing through the walls of windows. Underneath the morning sun, it shimmered as though it were waiting for its new occupants. From where we stood, it should have blocked out the sun, but it seemed it had been built in such a way that the light bounced around it, casting golden rays in all the cracks and crevices it should have darkened. It both blended with and enhanced its city surroundings. It was a true demonstration of Huntington Designs, in all its glory.

“Eddie! How was the journey here?”

We turned to face Mr. Reed walking towards us, his face beaming. Clearly, it wasn’t just me impressed with the structure. Holding hands with him was his wife, Faith Reed. I had never met her in person, but I had heard the stories of her beauty. It seemed that motherhood only went to enhance her looks as their adorable daughter, Noella, bounded behind. Elden and Eddie shook hands while I lingered behind, nodding my greeting to them. Eddie seemed to notice my uncertainty and placed a comforting hand on the small of my back, pulling me next to him.

“Elden, you’ve met Selena before. Selena, this is Faith and Noella Reed.”

It was the first time I had been formally introduced to clients, acknowledged as a part of the company rather than just a tool. I shook hands with both the adults before bending down to speak to Noella. She hid behind her mother’s skirt, but after a bit of coaxing, I was able to get a small wave. Faith seemed impressed.

“She’s not usually good with strangers,” she commented, “You must have a knack with children.”

Eddie grinned next to me, “She has a knack with all humans, I can assure you. It’s a small miracle she’s put up with me for all these years.”

“You can say that again,” Elden laughed, playfully slapping Eddie on his upper arm, “I’m glad you took my advice.”

I raised my eyebrow, unsure of whether I should pry into the advice they were talking about. From the way they were both looking at me, I could tell it was something to do with me. Had Elden helped Eddie discover his feelings for me? Casting the thought to the side, I allowed them to keep their secrets.

“You’ve done a great job with the office,” Elden smiled, “I could never have imagined it in my wildest dreams. I know that I made the best decision by picking your company.”

“I wouldn’t have allowed you to pick anyone else,” Eddie joked, “But thank you. My architects have yet again delivered.”

“Under your leadership,” I quickly commented.

Eddie grinned at me before turning back to the family, “Have you already had a look inside, or were you waiting for us?”

Elden laughed, “You think I can wait around with a young child? We’ve already had the grand tour. I just wanted to say hi before we headed off. We’re going to go pick out our Christmas tree. Why don’t you two come join us for lunch after you’re finished?”

We agreed and said our goodbyes before turning back to the building. Eddie reached down and gave my hand a secretive squeeze before leaning in to whisper.

“Now you’re mine.”


~ Edward ~

I couldn’t wait any longer.

We took the elevator to the top floor, where the last of the project team were milling about. I let Selena take in the view while I talked to the crew. I couldn’t help but look over at my assistant. From where she was standing by the window, the sun highlighted all her curves and features. She was radiant. It reminded me of last week when she watched the sunset from my office. Just the memory had me straining to control myself. I knew there was no point resisting anymore.
