Page 7 of Discovery of Love

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“You think so?”

“I know so.”

“What did you do with Faith when you were in this situation?”

“Well, Faith was my manager, not my PA, and she didn’t know I was the CEO. I went undercover to investigate her managerial skills and was more than impressed. In more ways than one. To be honest, it was such a relief to admit my feelings to her finally and now look at me! I couldn’t be happier.”

I looked across at my friend, “But I can’t risk losing the company. If someone were to find out I was hooking up with my PA, then all hell would break loose. My reputation would be destroyed.”

Elden laughed again, “Don’t be so dramatic. Firstly, take precautions. If you’re planning anything with her and you’re both serious about it, then tell HR. It’s literally a simple form, and it’s done. Sure, there’ll be gossip, but do you really think they’re not talking about you already? Might as well give them something worthwhile to talk about. Secondly, you have to take risks in life to get anywhere. You may have mastered that in your professional life, but you have a hell of a long way to go in your personal life. You’re thirty-five, and you’ve yet to have a stable relationship. We both know you’ll live to regret it in the long run if you don’t grasp this opportunity with both hands.”

Everything he said was true. I couldn’t deny it, but I also couldn’t agree. It took a bit of coaxing, but we soon moved past the conversation and onto business. As expected, he was more than pleased with his new office and looked forward to the opening ceremony in a few weeks. I agreed that I would fly out the following week to examine the building in person and then celebrate over coffee and cake. By the time the meeting had concluded, it was nearing lunchtime, and I was ready for some fresh air. As I walked Elden to the office door, he turned around and winked at me.

“Think about what I told you earlier. You don’t want to regret it.”

I stood in the doorway as I watched him walk away before turning to the woman he referred to. She must have felt me watching because she soon looked up underneath hooded lids. Her lips parted ever so slightly as though she were waiting for me to make a move. Tightening my tie, I finally decided what to do.

“Next week is the final inspection of the new Entertainers Direct office. You’re coming with me.”


~ Selena ~

What had he done to me?

The days were getting closer to our impending trip, and I couldn’t stop thinking about the possibilities. Every time we looked at one another, it felt as though my whole body was simmering, just waiting for his touch to boil over. I was a rubber ball of sexual tension, just waiting to spring free.

And only he was the one who could release me.

Of course, I had talked to Ana. She had suggested I try to release some of my frustration before I left. We immediately took to the dating apps to find a suitable candidate, but after five minutes in, Ana had given up.

“It’s no use,” she cried, “You’ve turned every guy down so far because of some minor flaw. We both know that none of them will match up to Eddie. You’ve got to have him.”

And she was right. I had to have him. I just hoped he felt the same way.

After a long lunch of yet again dissecting my unknown feelings towards Eddie, we had snuck out back to the office. I had only just managed to slink behind my desk and power up my laptop when I heard an all too familiar clearing of the throat from in front of me. Silently groaning, I slowly looked up from the screen to see the dreaded woman standing in front of me.

Audrey Huntington.

“Good afternoon, Audrey. I wasn’t expecting you today.”

“Mrs. Huntington will be just fine, thank you. And I didn’t realize I had to book an appointment to see my only son.”

I had to restrain myself from rolling my eyes. Depending on her mood was what determined how she wanted me to address her. Today she was having one of her many temper tantrums.

“Not at all,” I said, standing up from behind my desk, “Let me go notify Eddie that you’re here.”

“His name is Edward,” she sniped, “And I’m perfectly capable of telling him myself.”

“He might be in a meeting,” I protested, “I really think it’s better that I let him know myself.”

Big mistake.

“Who do you think you are?” she leaned into me, her face twisting into a snarl, “This was my husband’s business long before you started working here. As this is my family’s company, I can come and go as I please, without your permission. Now, if you would move out of the way, I want to see my son.”

She yet again put me in a somewhat awkward situation. On numerous occasions, Eddie had reminded me that despite his mother’s attitude, I was to keep her at bay until he was ready. I had been berated several times after she had walked in on his conference calls and client meetings. The question was – do I deal with her wrath or his? Just before I decided on an answer, I heard the door click behind me. A rush of relief flooded through me, followed by an electric pulse from his presence. Turning, I looked up at him.

“I wondered what all the noise was about, now I see. Hello, mother. Nice of you to drop in. I don’t remember having anything scheduled?”
