Page 6 of Discovery of Love

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Sighing, I finally gave up, closing the lid on my laptop and standing up. I walked over to the windowed wall and looked down on the city below. Cherrywood Falls had always been my home, a place in which my family’s roots were firmly planted. My family had always come from a lot of money. Where it came from, I never asked. Now the primary source for our fortune was Huntington Designs, a company my father founded and passed down to me after his death. I was proud of the work that the business produced, and over the years, it had grown to be internationally-renowned, offices canvassing the world’s surface. It was my legacy. Was I willing to risk that for a woman? A woman I couldn’t stop thinking about.

The intercom sounded, “Your 9’o’clock is here. Shall I send him in?”

Even the sound of her voice got my blood flowing. The things I would do to her if I weren’t her boss. The things I might still do to her even though I am.

I clicked the button, “Send him in.”

A few seconds later and in walked Elden Reed, the owner of Entertainers Direct. We had met after we hired a Santa’s grotto for the employee’s kids during the holidays and had become close friends after that. After he had settled down and started a family, he wanted to move his business elsewhere, and that’s when he also became my client. It had been easy to meet his expectations with such free-flowing communication.

“There he is, the man himself! How’ve you been?”

Elden walked right up to me and shook my hand firmly. I grinned and patted him on the back before gesturing to the leather couch in the corner. I pulled up a seat to sit opposite him, the relevant paperwork already laid out on the coffee table for us to peruse when we were ready.

“I’ve been good. Same as always.”

He frowned, “You’ve got to let me take you out some time. It can’t be healthy to spend all your time cooped up in here.”

“Well, not all of us can find a gorgeous wife like yours and start a family. How is little Noella?”

He smiled, “Growing up faster than I expected. I’m glad to finally get my office moved so I can focus on her. You should know what it’s like to be in the driver’s seat constantly. Wears you down.”

I nodded, “Such is the life of the CEO. What can I say? I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

Elden stroked his chin thoughtfully, “Wouldn’t you? I was the same back then. I used to think that nothing else could be more important than my business. I was so wrong. I would do anything for Faith and Noella. They’re my world now.”

It certainly had changed Elden. Back when I first met him, he was all business and even slightly intimidating. After finding Faith, it was as though something had switched inside of him. His smile now reached his eyes, and I could tell he was genuinely happy. Even the way he talked about his daughter was endearing and made me seriously consider having my own one day. If only I met the right woman.

Or had I?

As though she could read my mind, there was a light rapping on the door before Selena walked in. I couldn’t help myself as my head whipped around to watch her. The way her hips swayed as she carried the tray in practically made me drool. I had to shift in my seat just to hide my excitement of her presence. She tried her best not to look at me, but I knew she felt the same way when our eyes met. They were burning with desire, and if it had been just us in that room together, I was sure we would have been out of our clothes in seconds.

She cleared her throat as she placed the tray down next to our paperwork, “Coffee and cake. Let me know if you need anything else.”

Selena practically ran out of the room without so much as a glance in my direction. I was just beginning to wonder if it was my fault when I caught a weird look on Elden’s face.

“What?” I asked defensively.

He smirked mischievously, “I knew it.”

“Knew what?”

“I knew you two would get together eventually.”

“Who? Me and Selena?”

Elden’s laugh rumbled through the room, “You don’t need to try and hide it. I’ve been in the exact same situation as you. If anyone could spot the chemistry between you two, it would be me. Although, I think someone would have to be blind not to notice it. How long has it been going on?”

My mouth felt dry. I reached out and grabbed my cup of coffee, taking a sip of the scalding hot liquid before meeting my friend’s eyes.

“Nothing has happened between us. Just yesterday…”

“Go on,” Elden prompted, leaning in.

I wasn’t sure whether I should say anything at first. It was one thing thinking about it in my own head but a whole other ball game if I were to actually tell someone. But his words started to play through my head. He was right. If anyone should know about this, it should be him.

“We almost kissed.”

Elden grinned and sat back, “It was bound to happen at some point. You are both so well-suited.”
