Page 9 of Discovery of Love

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I didn’t know how much longer I would be able to hold out.

Things had been strained for days between us, and after Audrey’s thunderous appearance, we had barely spoken to each other. We communicated through overly-formal emails, robotic in reading. Yet every time he walked past, I could feel my body responding to him, like a magnet ready to be pulled in. And now the day was looming, and I could no longer put it off. If he wanted me still to join him on the trip to Great York, we would have to talk.

Under the pretense of discussing the plans for the trip, I found myself knocking on his office door. When I had left to go to the kitchen earlier, he had still been in his office, but the lack of reply signaled that he was gone. It was late in the day, and I wanted to get home to pack, so, risking it, I opened the door a crack to see if he was inside. When I looked in, I felt the breath drawn from my body.

It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

My heels clicked against the hard flooring as I entered the room, no longer caring about his absence. I was used to the office being cold and dark, yet with the sun setting directly in front of the windowed wall, it was crimson red. Where the light hit the glass objects around the room, golden rays glittered on the walls, reminding me more of a treasure cove than a CEO office. It was as though I were whisked into a fairytale. Dragged away from the dark recesses of the world and cast into this magical cave of enchantment. Gently, I reached across and touched the glass, pressing my fingertips onto the cold surface just to ensure I wasn’t dreaming. It seemed insane that after the four years I had worked at Huntington Designs, I had yet to see this view. It felt even weirder to imagine Eddie basking in it nearly every evening. Was there more to him than meets the eye? I was so absorbed in the sunset that I didn’t hear the door open behind me nor the footsteps until it was too late.

“Selena, what are you doing in here? The phone is ringing!”

I quickly turned around at the sound of his voice, my face flaming in embarrassment at being caught. I hadn’t heard the phone, and I knew that he was unhappy about leaving my post unattended. His glowering look said it all.

“I’m sorry, Eddie. I got distracted by the sight.”

This didn’t seem to impress him much as he narrowed his eyes, “I’m not paying you to gawk out the window. I’m paying you to do your job. At the very least, you could answer the telephone around here. That shouldn’t be too hard for you, should it?”

It seemed he had gone back to the same asshole he had always been. I felt my heart drop despite my anger rising. After everything, I thought we had moved past this. Clearly, I was wrong. But I wasn’t going to be pushed around again. I wasn’t going back to that state of submission.

“I said I’m sorry. I didn’t hear the phone, and I can go deal with it now. What I don’t want to deal with is your shitty attitude.”

His mouth almost dropped open at my retaliation. I guessed he didn’t think I would fight back again, but I was happy to prove him wrong. For a second, he looked at a loss for words. Then his mouth turned down at the corners.

“Miss Ramirez, might I remind you that you work for me? Therefore, if I tell you to go do something, I don’t expect you to argue.”

I put my hands on my hips, “I may work for you, but I’m not a slave. I deserve some form of respect in this office, despite your position.”

Eddie took a step forward, gradually closing the gap between us, “My position allows me to do pretty much whatever I want in this company. The only thing you deserve is punishment.”

The way he said that word made me tingle inside. Despite the illusion of a threat, I knew it wasn’t work-related punishment he wanted to deal out. The way his eyes traveled down my body was enough to alert me to his true intentions. This time, I knew there was no going back.

“I’ve had enough of putting up with your shit around this office. What if I leave right now?”

His next step had him inches from me. Eddie’s hand gripped onto my wrist tightly, his breath hot against my ear as he leaned in.

“Who said I’m going to let you leave?”

The time for talking was over as his mouth enveloped mine. Fireworks exploded from deep within me as he pulled me into him, crushing me into his body. His hand reached down and squeezed my ass hard as I wrapped my arms around his neck. All my anger and frustration poured out of me as I jumped up, wrapping my legs around him as he caught me from underneath. Holding me up with one hand, he carried me over to the desk and, with the free arm, he swept everything off his desk in one dramatically loud crash. Bending down, he practically threw me onto the surface, his hand narrowly preventing my head from smashing into the wood. Reaching up, I grabbed both sides of his shirt and tugged hard. Buttons pinged off in all directions as I exposed his bare chest. Muscles rippled down it, taut as a washboard. As I reached out to touch it, he effortlessly slapped my hand away, growling as he leaned in and bit down on my neck. I yelped out in surprise as his teeth tightened on my flesh, the pain quickly turning into pleasure which rushed down to my core. My whole body simmered in anticipation as his hands grabbed onto the hem of my dress. Before I could say anything, he had pulled it off me in one swift movement, leaving me in just my lingerie and stockings. He stood upright, his eyes running over my exposed body.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” he uttered before hooking his fingers under the elastic of my thong and yanking hard enough to rip them clean from my body, “You won’t be needing these anymore.”

I had barely a second to gasp before his fingers plunged into me. I hadn’t realized how wet I was until he entered me. With every flick of his hands, it sent a spark running through me. His thumb expertly rubbed my clit as he leaned in, his mouth somehow removing one of my nipples from the safety of my bra cup. His tongue twirled and rolled around it all the while his fingers worked their magic below. He was relentless, and I could soon hear my breathing getting louder as I arched my back into him. Just before I thought I was going to explode, he pulled away. I almost screamed in frustration.

“You do as I tell you to,” he commanded as he unbuttoned his pants.

I remained silent as I watched as he pulled his boxers down just enough for his erection to spring free over the top. My mouth dropped open at the size of it, which he must have taken as acceptance of his conditions as he moved forward. I didn’t need him to tell me what to do as he grasped the back of my head and pulled it forward. I sucked the tip in, my tongue getting to work as it swirled and flicked. As he pushed forward further, I let him slide down my throat as far as it could go as he started to bob my head up and down the length of it. The whole sensation excited me. His sexual authority thrilled me, letting him take control of my every movement. Just when I thought he would use my mouth to finish him off, he pulled away once more.

“Now you’re mine.”

The words sent tingles running down the length of my spine as he grabbed my ankles and pulled me over to the edge of the desk. Placing his hands on either side of my garter belt, he pushed my legs open with his thighs before positioning himself. I felt his tip, slick and wet from my saliva brushing at my entrance. Grabbing my wrists, he pinned them above my head before slamming into me. I couldn’t hold back my scream as he stretched me wide. His erection filled my entire crevice as he pulled out and thrust into me once more. The pain was soon replaced with pleasure and, as he built up the tempo, he released his grip on my wrists. My hands shot up to behind his back, using his body for stability as he continued to ram into me. While the pressure built up within me, I dug my nails into his skin. My anger once again being transferred into my pleasure. It wasn’t long until I could feel myself straining to resist. He must have sensed it as he pulled out and grabbed onto my shoulders. With one last thrust, he slammed in harder than ever before, and I was sent screaming over the edge, my orgasm ripping through me. It wasn’t until I was coming back down that I felt his erection pulsing within me, releasing his own pent-up orgasm.

Beads of sweat formed on his brow, which he wiped with the back of his hand. When he finally pulled out, I waited for him to say something. Anything. Instead, he buttoned his pants back up and grabbed his spare shirt from the cupboard. When I realized he wasn’t going to talk about it, I hurriedly dressed, grabbing my tattered thong from the floor before waiting awkwardly at the door. For a second, he looked torn, as though he wanted to say something. Then a cold expression swept over his face, and I knew I had lost him once more. As he started to pick the discarded items off the floor and back onto his desk, he turned to face me.

“Haven’t you got a phone to answer?”


~ Edward ~
