Page 10 of Discovery of Love

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For the first time in years, I was anxious.

We hadn’t spoken since our sexual encounter in my office. The weekend had crawled by without a word, and I knew that it was my fault. I didn’t know how to react or what to say after it was all done. I didn’t want to accept that the dynamic had changed. That I had stepped over the threshold, and we were no longer safely ignorant. Our relationship was no longer just professional.

It was personal.

It had taken a lot of cold showers over the weekend to keep control. Every time I closed my eyes or drifted off, I thought about her. Her body writhing beneath me as I pushed into her. Filling her to the brim with my cum. Marking her as mine. She had been everything I’d imagined and more. I had hoped that I would be disappointed by the experience, that I could let go of my feelings once and for all, but it seemed it had only served to increase them tenfold. I now couldn’t get her off my mind, and I wanted her more than ever.

I needed Selena Ramirez.

Would it have been easier to come to terms if I hadn’t been so cold after our interaction? Most likely. Is it my fault that my anxiety was ripping a hole deep inside of me as I waited for her at the airport? Most definitely. I didn’t like feeling out of control. I was used to everything in life falling in line for me, but this was beyond my reach. I couldn’t force my own emotions into a neat little box. I had to accept the rollercoaster that came along with the discovery of my and Selena’s relationship, if I could call it that.


Her voice stirred something inside of me. As I turned around, I subconsciously adjusted my suit. She looked nervous and uncertain. At least I wasn’t alone in the unknown. Clearing my throat, I greeted her.

“Selena, how was the ride?” I asked politely.

“It was okay. Thank you for sending the car,” she replied.

The seconds ticked by as we stood in silence, the awkwardness increasing. I knew I couldn’t let this continue for much longer.

“We should probably get going if we want to be back on our home turf later.”

I turned and led her across the tarmac to where the private jet was waiting. The pilot greeted me as we got on board. Inside, two flight attendants were waiting to usher us to our seats. I took a seat and gestured for Selena to sit opposite me. It was only before takeoff that the flight attendants stopped fussing about and left us alone. It was what I had been waiting for.

“I’m sorry how I handled things last week,” I blurted.

Selena looked up from her lap in surprise. The visible relief washed over her face as I addressed the elephant in the room.

“Why didn’t you call?” she asked.

It was a question I had asked myself thousands of times as the days had dragged by. I wanted to call her. To talk to her. To analyze my feelings. But I couldn’t bring myself to pick up the phone.

“I didn’t know what to say. I still don’t.”

“You seemed to have plenty to say last week when you fucked me over your desk,” she hissed angrily.

I knew I had hurt her, and I needed to make amends. I had to force back my natural protection of retaliation and accept that I had done wrong. It was a small exchange of power that I wasn’t used to, but it was necessary to ensure I didn’t mess up again.

“I’m not good with relationships,” I admitted, “I’ve never been in this situation before. I’ve always been attracted to you, and I’ve denied it over the years. Successfully up until last week. There’s something about you that I can’t resist. I don’t want to resist anymore.”

My words seemed to have the desired effect as she softened slightly. I knew that the best path to take through this conversation was honesty, even if it meant putting myself out on the line. I couldn’t risk losing her.

“I wish you had said something sooner. All this time, you were treating me badly. Was that because you liked me?”

I nodded, “It was my defense mechanism against my own emotions. I guess I reckoned that as long as I was mean to you, it would seal off any chances of anything happening. Then last week, when you snapped back, it was just so raw and hot. I couldn’t deny it any longer. I had to have you.”

Her cheeks started to redden slightly, and it took all my effort not to reach across and stroke the side of her face. As she looked up from between her lashes, I knew it wasn’t just sexual tension between us. There were genuine emotions. Emotions that I may have been too scared to deal with before. But I was ready to deal with them now.

“I’ve always had a thing for you too. I thought it was just physical attraction at first. I mean, look at you. Over time I realized it was something else. But you just make me so mad. The way you treat me is infuriating, and I had to take a stand. I’m glad I did.”

I could see the desire burning behind her chocolatey eyes as she spoke. After she had finished, she ran the tip of her tongue across her lower lip, leaving it glistening with its wake. I felt stirrings in my boxers, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to last the whole day without having her again. The problem was, the cabin crew would be returning any minute.

“I’m going to make you mine again today,” I growled.

She bit down on her lip, “I look forward to it, Mr. Huntington.”

Quickly, I reached across and grabbed hold of her exposed leg. I was glad that she had opted for a dress again today and, despite the cool weather, she had gone without pantyhose or stockings. The feel of her bare flesh in my hand drove me wild. It was silky and creamy, everything about her begging for me to touch. I wanted to claim every inch of her body, no matter how long it took me.
