Page 2 of Emberly

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“I hope that limp is from a recent injury,” Rick said.

Though he had years of practice, Diesel was unable to keep from wincing at the statement.

“Let’s sit,” Abbie said.

“I think he needs to answer my dad before we go any further,” Valerie said.

Schooling his features once more, Diesel said, “No. It’s not a new injury – it’s quite old. I can still shift, and it doesn’t keep me from functioning in any way.”

“But you’re not whole,” Rick said. “And that was not disclosed.” He turned his attention to Abbie. “Just what are you trying to pull here? I’m the brother of the alpha, and that means any male who mates my daughter will be highly ranked within the pride. We can’t have a ruined male close to the alpha, or one who’s not capable of protecting my precious daughter and future grandcubs.”

Diesel snarled. “I can fully protect anyone. I’d do anything in my power to protect my mate and cubs.”

“I want to see your leg,” Valerie said.

His snarl turned into a full-blown growl. “I’m not dropping my pants right now.”

Abbie put up her hands, stepping between them. “That’s highly unnecessary, Valerie. Diesel is a wonderful male and he’s the one I chose for you. Either you sign the papers to commit to your mating or you don’t get matched by me. Ever.”

“You can’t threaten her like that,” Rick said.

“I can and I will. I’m the best match-maker in the state. You sent me your daughter’s information years ago in preparation for me finding her a suitable male, which I did. Diesel would make an excellent mate and father,andson-in-law. If you can’t see past his injury, then you’re not the sort of people I want to associate with anyway.”

“I won’t do it, Daddy,” Valerie said, her voice tipping to a high-pitched whine. “I won’t mate a male who comes to me injured. You promised me a perfect match. This isn’t perfect.”

Diesel’s heart fell. No, he wasn’t perfect, but who the hell was?

“I’m sorry, Abbie,” Diesel said. “I just turned out to be prophetic.”

Her eyes were flashing when she turned to face him. “You’re not at fault here. I’ll find you a better match.”

“No thanks.” Shaking his head, he walked toward the front door, biting his tongue against the string of curse words he wanted to lob at them like bombs. He stalked out the door, the pain in his leg intensifying with his hurried movements. He climbed in the truck and left.

He should have known a lioness mate was well and truly out of bounds for him. If he couldn’t get an arranged mate to see past his injury, then what the hell chance did he have of finding something so rare and precious as a heart-match?

His lion let out a mournful sound as Abbie’s house disappeared in the rearview. It was time to face the facts: he was going to be alone forever.

* * *

“Thanks, man,” Diesel said as he accepted the stool from Barron, his fellow bouncer, and sat, rubbing his leg.

“No problem.”

Diesel liked working at the bar. It was owned by Duke, the alpha’s son, and Duke’s friend Titus. On Fridays, the bar opened at seven, and there was always a long line of people waiting. Humans and shifters alike hung out in the bar, and on Fridays, ladies drank free. Diesel noticed Barron looking speculatively at the line of people waiting to get in.

“What’s that look for?” he asked.

“My cat wants to settle down,” Barron said, tapping the side of his head.

“Ah. I think that happens to all males after they hit twenty-five. At least you don’t have an injury derailing your prospects.”

“What do you mean?”

Diesel gave him an incredulous look.

“I know about your leg. I meant what prospects?”

Diesel immediately regretted his big mouth. He hadn’t told anyone what had happened during his disastrous meeting at Abbie’s. Even his mother didn’t know. He hadn’t even told anyone that he’d asked Abbie to mate-match him, because part of him hadn’t believed she’d be able to find anyone. Blowing out a breath, he told Barron the short version of what happened.
