Page 14 of Pandemonium

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“That would be great,” Rafe said. “The more hands, the faster we can finish up.”

“I’ve long said we should have roadies,” Rebel said.

“You’re so spoiled,” Maverick said. “One time we had people help us pack up after a show, and ever since he’s wanted full-time help.”

“I can’t help it that I enjoy watching other people work while I relax.”

“You’re ridiculous,” Rhaider said. Demi followed them off the stage and went back to the table with China while the band met with Titus. Titus led them down the hall and she suspected he was going to take them out onto the patio to have some privacy and quiet.

“Did you decide yet?” China asked.


China’s eyes rolled again and Demi was surprised they stayed in her head. “You know. Taking ‘em home or not. I’m trying to live vicariously through you.”

“I have no idea, honestly. It’s tempting to jump in headfirst.”


Demi swatted at her arm. “Anyway…it’s tempting but I like the idea of getting to know them first.”

“That sounds really sweet. I think I’d like that too. You just never know how these things are going to go.”

Demi nodded, thinking about the recent heart-matches that had been found in the pride—Duke and Ree, Barron and Mercy, Diesel and Emberly, and of course Hemi and Annie. Demi was the first one in the pride to find a heart-match who was a shifter. And she was definitely the first one to find two heart-matches.

“Come on sweets,” Rhaider said as they joined her at the table. “With your help, we’ll be ready to go in no time.”

“I could lend a hand,” China said.

“That’s cool, thanks,” Rebel said.

The six of them packed up the equipment. Demi had never learned how to play an instrument outside of the plastic recorders everyone had been required to learn in elementary school. She loved listening to music, though, and was very impressed by how well the guys played and sang. She carried a canvas bag containing a stand out to the van. “How long have you guys been playing together?”

She handed the bag to Maverick, who was standing inside the large van.

“Since middle school,” Rafe said. He placed his guitar in its hard case on a hook along one of the walls. “We just fooled around mostly, learning as we went along. We had a music teacher at school who played a few different instruments and he offered to teach us if we’d help out around his elderly mom’s house on the weekends, so we exchanged lessons for yard work.”

“That’s pretty cool,” she said. “When was your first gig?”

“First paid gig was an anniversary party for that teacher and his mate. He was really encouraging to us. We only played covers for a long time, and then Rhaider took some classes on how to write music, and we went from there.”

“I think it’s really neat. Especially since it brought you here.”

Rhaider lifted one part of the drum kit and handed it to Rebel. “We think so too.”

When the last piece of equipment was in the van and the doors were shut, Maverick said, “You guys heading out to eat now?”

“Yeah,” Rafe said.

“So, we’ll see you at the B&B tonight or…?” Rebel asked.

Demi’s cheeks went hot again. She didn’t think she’d ever blushed so much in her life in such a short amount of time.

Rhaider gave Demi an indulgent smile. “We’re going to eat and then we’ll see where the night takes us. But we’ll definitely see you in the morning for breakfast no matter what.”

“Right, they’re supposed to have a super great breakfast buffet at the B&B,” Maverick said.

“It was nice to meet you, Demi,” Rebel said, and Maverick echoed the sentiment.
