Page 41 of Pandemonium

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The call ended and Rhaider looked at his mate. “Sweets, we can’t interfere. I might be a different shifter than you, but an alpha is an alpha, and he said no. We need to honor that. I’m not interested in pissing him off, especially not when we found the perfect house for us.”

She narrowed her eyes like she was trying not to smile and then she gave him a smirk “True.” She sighed and rubbed the space between her eyes. “I hate feeling helpless. When it comes to Benecio all I’ve ever felt is helpless.”

“You’re not helpless, you’re just not in a position to do anything at the moment. You stood up to an alpha male. That’s not useless, that’s brave as hell.”

Demi leaned into him and he hugged her tightly. “I’m so crazy about you,” she whispered.

“Me too, sweets. One hundred percent, loony-bin-bound, crazy.”

She lifted her face to his for a kiss and he gave it to her, letting go of all the thoughts swirling through him about Benecio and China, and what it meant that Demi’s best friend went traipsing off into danger.

He wanted the kiss to go on forever, but the real world beckoned, and he needed to get back to the bar to join the band. Pulling from her addictive lips, he smiled when he saw that dazed, sweet look on her face.

“You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, Demi.”

“You are for me, too.”

He wanted to do something special for her, to show her how important she was to him, and to his brother too. She was the center of their world, and he wanted her to have everything she ever wanted or needed.

An idea formed in his mind, and he turned away from her so she didn’t ask what he was grinning about. He needed to talk to Rafe. And Hemi and Duke, too. He had a feeling the males were going to want to get in on the surprise, too.

“Ready to go?” he asked as he pulled out of Abbie’s drive.

“Yeah. I hope they’re okay,” Demi said wistfully.

“I’m sure they are. Let’s put worrying on the backburner for the night, okay?” He picked up her hand and kissed her knuckles. “We can’t do anything about what China and Abbie are doing, and worrying isn’t going to do anything but stress everyone out. We should hope for the best and focus on the night ahead.”

“You’re very smart,” she said.

“I have my moments.”

She chuckled and leaned on his shoulder. “No more worrying. I’ll just send you sexy texts when you’re on breaks so you get all worked up and can’t do anything about it until after the last set.”

“Wow,” he said with a laugh. “That’s dastardly.”

“No one has ever called me that,” she said, chuckling. “I like it. Just call me Dastardly Demi.”

“Remember that turnabout’s fair play. Whatever you dish out, Rafe and I will be doling back to you in spades.”

“Oh, sexy threats. That did nothing to dissuade me, good sir.”

Oh shit. She was obviously going to have some fun with them while they were up on stage and couldn’t do anything about it. And he loved it too. Loved seeing her smile and look happy, not worried about Benecio and China as she’d been. Whatever it took to get her mind off things, he was game. Even if it did involve sexy torturing with texts.

“You’re trouble wrapped up in a sexy package, love.”

“You know it.”

Chapter Sixteen

China sat in the passenger seat of Abbie’s car and stared at the group of males milling around the park. Her whole body was one big nerve.

“You’re sure about this?” China asked, tearing her gaze from the males and looking at the pride’s match-maker.

“Yes. It doesn’t mean that you need to do anything, though. We can still leave.”

“We already called the meeting, though.” And considering what an asshole Benecio was, canceling would definitely not be good. China put her head in her hands. “Crap.”

Abbie rubbed China’s back. “We don’t have to do this. It’s magic, not science.”
