Page 31 of China

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“Great, I’m starving,” Angel said.

“You know I wasn’t talking to you,” she chided. “It’s for my second son, Oz, and his beautiful heart-match, China. If there are leftovers, then you can have some.”

“Damn it.”

Oz let out a laugh.

“I’m glad you’re both safe,” Angel said.

“Do you need to see our pride doctor?” Teresa asked.

Oz shook his head and so did China.

“Good,” she said. “I’d hoped that shifting would heal your wounds. Now let’s get you two fed.”

As they passed through the remaining pride members, they were greeted with cheers and claps, and thanked for setting the pride on a new path. He hadn’t planned to change the world, but it had certainly worked out that way.

“If you’re wondering how Craig knew to look for the book,” Teresa asked, “it’s because I told him that you two were so frustrated at not being able to find anything about interim alphas and taking over and he went to look in the library. He noticed that two books were missing, and he figured one of the elders might have taken them. He was right.”

Oz hummed. It was a shame that the elders allowed themselves to be corrupted like they had.

“Do you think the elders knew that Craig was next in line?” Angel asked.

“It certainly seems so. With Benecio dead, the elders should’ve gone to our pride records and located his next closest relative.”

“If he hadn’t had one?” Angel asked.

“Then an alpha battle would’ve happened to secure one, but either way, Oz never should’ve been part of it.”

“They were wrong, though. He took out three of the males on his own and was kicking ass until they ganged up on him. And then he had his mate to help.”

“They’re quite the pair,” Teresa said, giving Oz’s mane a ruffle.

Once they’d reached her house, he and China went around to the back and sprawled out on the porch while Teresa and Angel brought out the steaks. A platter held six large strip steaks and Oz’s mouth watered just looking at them.

“Have at it, you two,” Teresa said.

“Thaw one for me, Ma,” Angel said. “I don’t think they’re going to leave anything behind.”

“You got it, honey,” she said, walking back into the house.

“I can’t believe you’re leaving the pride,” Angel said. He sat on a wicker chair and kicked his legs out, crossing his feet at the ankles. “I’m going to miss the hell out of you.”

Oz lifted his head and finished chewing the bite of steak.

“Don’t look at me like that, bro,” Angel said. “I don’t want to leave. Maybe Mom and Craig will end up mated, then I’ll be the alpha’s stepson. That might have perks of the sexy-lady variety.”

Teresa smacked the back of his head with her hand. “Keep your opinions to yourself, young man.”

“Uh oh, she called me young man. I better be careful teasing her.”

“Damn right.”

Teresa turned on the grill and laid a still-frozen steak on it, then closed the lid. “I’m going to miss you too,” she said. “But we can visit each other. I’m looking forward to being a grandma to your cubs.”

“What about mine? I’m your real son. He’s just your kind of adopted son.”

“Get mated and then we’ll talk.”
