Page 30 of Stripped Down

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Chapter 25: Olive

Perfection. That’s the only way to describe this moment. I’m completely sated. My body is a puddle of relaxation. Brooks made me come so hard and so many times I’ve basically lost all muscle control. I’ve had sex before but it sure as fuck never felt like this.

Honestly, I thought this kind of sexual chemistry was a myth. Or maybe I was just incapable of feeling it. Brooks just hit the reset button on my sexual expectations. He’s surprisingly snuggly after, too. He’s got me wrapped all around his body, caressing me sweetly and it’s such a juxtaposition to the raunchy, hair pulling, public finger fucking, dirty talking sex god he was just minutes ago. I love both sides of him though. Fuck. Let’s just shove that thought really, really deep down.

I give a little shiver as Brooks traces my hip bone and kisses my temple. “You ok?” he asks, peering down at me. “You’re thinking too hard. Maybe I need to make you come again,” he teases.

I chuckle. “Please no, I think I might die if I come again.” I attempt to erase any worry from my face. I just want to enjoy this. “Do you want to stay?” It comes out more hesitant than I mean it too. Brooks studies my face with a boyish smile, the one he only seems to give me.

“Hell yes,” he says before kissing me. Relief washes over me. I didn’t realize how afraid I was that he would want to leave until now.

“Um, ok. I mean, good. That’s good.” I suddenly feel so shy. I know it’s ridiculous because he was balls deep inside of me less than five minutes ago. I start to get up to go clean myself up, but he pulls me back down on top of him.

“Where are you running off to?” he asks, pulling my hair to one side and nuzzling my neck.

“I was just going to brush my teeth and kind of clean all this up,” I reply and gesture at my whole body with more bravado than I really feel. The truth is I feel so vulnerable that I just wanted to hide in the bathroom for a minute and collect myself.

“Mm hm…” he hums into my neck. “But you smell like me, and like sex, and maybe I like you just a little dirty.” He gives me a roguish smile before licking the shell of my ear and making me giggle. When he nips at the sensitive lobe, I get wet all over again. That should not feel as good as it does.

“If you let me get cleaned up, then you can make me dirty all over again,” I try to reason with him.

“How about we get cleaned up together and in the morning I’ll make you breakfast and get you nice and dirty before we have to work?” Brooks negotiates like a champ because I sure as hell can’t turn down an offer that good. I nod and lead him to the bathroom.

I pull out a new toothbrush for him while he turns the water on in the shower for us. I can’t help admiring his tight butt as he leans into the shower, testing the water. I have an internal debate over whether to smack his ass but he catches me staring before I can decide and looks my very naked body up and down with burning approval before pulling me into him and kissing me deeply.

The bathroom is steamy by the time we get into the shower. Objectively, I always knew it wasn’t a huge shower, but I never realized how small it was until this enormous man tried to stand under the shower head. He has to stoop to get the water to spray the top of his head and the sight makes me giggle. Brooks grins and pulls me into him, making water spray all over my face. I sputter as he apologizes and wipes the water away from my eyes. It’s such a ridiculous and tender moment. I kind of want to stand like this all night.

Brooks is dead set on cleaning me within an inch of my life though. He pours way too much body wash out on my loofah and insists on rubbing me down all over before rinsing me off. He finally lets me have control of the loofah and I take my time, letting the soapy water run down his abs in little rivulets. By the time I’m done with his arms and chest, his dick is hard as a rock and pointing straight up at me. It really is a monster of a dick. I’ve never seen one so big before and I’m fascinated. Gently, I wrap my hand around it and give him a slow stroke.

Brooks moans my name and leans his head back against the tile, watching me with his stormy eyes. “You were just begging me to stop making you come but if you keep touching me like that, I won’t be able to help myself…”

I give him a coy smile. “I didn’t really beg you to stop.” I can’t help teasing him with a long firm stroke. The tenderness in Brooks’ eyes melts into smoldering intensity as he grips my hips and spins me around. He wraps his arms around me, pressing his front into my back, his hard cock sliding against the curve of my butt as his warm body slicks against mine.

“Mouthy girl,” Brooks whispers into my ear before nipping his way down my neck. Oh god, did I think I was done with him for the night? I might have been sated twenty minutes ago but Brooks’ mouth is lighting my body up all over again. I rock my ass back against him. I feel achingly empty. “Do you have any condoms in here?” He asks as he bites my neck gently.

“Top left drawer, I think.” He leans out of the shower and roots around in the drawer, just within reach. He comes up with a foil packet and checks the date.

“Still good,” he grins at me. “Lucky me.”

He presses my body forward so my hands and cheek press against the cool tile. Tension curls in my belly as I hear him rip the package open and sheath himself. He hooks an arm under my right knee, opening me up and sliding home in one brutal thrust. The sudden sensation of being so full erases the aching need and I cry out, gasping against the tile. He swears under his breath, but I don’t catch all of it as I lose myself in him.

Brooks wraps his enormous forearm across my chest, holding me tight and arching my body like a bow, finely tuned and ready to fire. He’s so close, his breath ragged in my ear as he fills me over and over. There’s a slight shift in angles and then, without warning, my orgasm overtakes me with a muffled scream.

Brooks shudders his release, holding me as we sag against the shower wall together.
