Page 31 of Stripped Down

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Chapter 26: Brooks

Olive has a satisfied look on her face as she turns and grins up at me. I wrap her in my arms, skin slippery as I cradle her to my chest. She hums a carefree sound. I’d like nothing more than to stay like this forever. Practicality is against me though because I can tell the hot water is running out.

“Holy hell,” I mutter. I take a minute to catch my breath, throwing the condom in the trash and rinsing off before shutting off the water. Olive lets me wrap her in a towel and eyes me appreciatively as I wrap one around my own waist. We dry ourselves off as best we can and fall into bed, naked and exhausted.

“I wish we didn’t have to work tomorrow,” she pretends to pout, sticking out her full bottom lip and looking up at me through her thick eyelashes. I run the pad of my thumb over her pout and draw her lip down.

“I fucking love this mouth,” I whisper, cupping the back of her neck and kissing her gently. I pull her against my chest, as close as I can get her, with her head tucked under my chin. I drift off, stroking her hair and feeling deeply content.

I wake up early the next morning, sunrise still hours away. Olive has her leg thrown over my hips, and her head pillowed on my shoulder. The sheet has slipped down, so it barely covers her hips.

Her bare breasts are pressed against my ribs and I’m already hard and aching for her. I press my nose into the tousle of her hair and inhale. She smells so fucking good.

“Are you sniffing me?” she asks sleepily. She hasn’t moved a muscle and if not for her question she could still be sleeping.

I huff her hair even harder. “I am definitely sniffing you.”

“Weirdo,” she chuckles, her eyes still closed as I run my hand up and down her bare spine. She shivers happily and burrows in even closer to my side. “Mmm… that feels good,” she murmurs.

Her plush lips are curled up in a soft smile and she still hasn’t opened her eyes.

“Look at me, baby.”

She peeks at me through one eyelid. “But if I open my eyes, then I have to start my day, and I just want to lay here like this.”

I gently roll her to her back and drink up the sight of her. She’s all smooth caramel skin, curves and dips. I’m going to lick every inch of her.

“Keep your eyes closed then,” I whisper. Starting at the graceful curve where her throat and shoulder meet, I lick and kiss and nip my way down her body, paying extra attention to the spots that make her squeal and sigh and moan.

Olive dutifully keeps her eyes closed, even when I find the ticklish spot on the inside of her thigh. Her giggles turn to sweet sighs as I settle myself between her thighs and lick her until she comes hard. Twice.

Chapter 26: Brooks

We stay in bed so long that, in the end, there’s no time for food at all. We rush around getting dressed, but I can’t help stealing touches and glances as we move around each other. Olive walks me to the apartment door and I wrap my arms around her, holding her close and kissing her until I’m ready to say fuck it all and let the world burn down around us.

Olive pulls away with a moan and a resigned look on her face. Her lips are swollen, and she still looks slightly rumpled. It’s sexy as hell.

“Rain check on breakfast?” she asks with a rueful smile.

“Let me make you dinner tonight? I mean, I didn’t go to culinary school or anything, but I can cook a little. I’ll pick you up at 5?” My heart is thumping erratically, afraid she will say no. Or, even worse, she intended this to be a one-time thing.

Not that it matters because I’ll just convince her to see me again, anyway. Now that I’ve had a night with Olive, I don’t plan on spending another one alone as long as I live.

But my worries are for nothing because she gives me a grin and nods. I kiss her again and start down the stairs only to find the scattered clothing I ripped off of Olive as we came up last night.

She giggles as I collect her blouse and sweater and turn back up to return them.

“Oh lord, just toss those up here,” she calls down. I ball the smooth shirt up inside the sweater thing and chuck it up to her. She’s blushing and my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. I can’t remember the last time I felt so light. Olive blows me a kiss and I give her a wink.

“See you in a bit,” I promise.

Somehow, I sneak out to my truck without any of Olive’s employees or her sister catching me. I’d be perfectly happy if everyone knew where I spent the night, but Olive pointed out how unprofessional it would be for both of us. I grudgingly agreed, although I sincerely doubt Luis missed my truck sitting in the small lot overnight.

I hope he tells everyone.

I have to speed home to get fresh clothes, but I make a quick stop at the grocery store for dinner supplies. I throw everything together, tidy up my house a little and I’m still back at the bakery before most of my guys show up for work.

With a grin, I spring up the front steps and through the front door, sliding into the line to order my coffee and muffin. The bakery is crowded, breakfast pastries flying out the door. Olive is great at this.
