Page 60 of Mowed Over

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Olive flips me off. "I can't believe Lilah told you about that," she huffs as she turns towards the door. "Have fun," she tosses over her shoulder. "And don't be late tomorrow or I'll send the boys to take Lilah back." I laugh out loud because they can try, but they'll have to pry her from my cold dead hands. "Or maybe we'll just let Gran have at you."

That's actually enough of a threat to make me stop laughing.

I open the door for Olive to leave but before she can take more than a couple steps, my curiosity gets the better of me. "Hey, was it you that put that invitation in my mailbox?"

Olive looks back with a mischievous smirk. "I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about," she says before turning away.

"Thank you!" I call out after her. She waves a hand over her shoulder and gets in her car.

I close the door, just in time to see Lilah walk out of the bedroom. She's wearing a t-shirt she must have found in one of my drawers because it comes halfway down her thighs. She rubs some sleep from her eyes and stretches, exposing a tempting amount of smooth leg. The worst part of me wants to drag her back to bed and hide out in there until her family comes busting down my front door looking for her.

"Was that my sister?" Lilah asks as she steps into me, wrapping her arms around my waist and pressing her warm cheek to my chest. I rub her back, enjoying the feeling of holding her like this.

"Yeah, she dropped off some clothes for you, but now that I've seen you in my shirt, I might just chuck the bag straight back into the street," I tease.

"You better not," she says, smacking me in the chest. I feign an injury, sending her into peals of laughter. God, I love it when she laughs like that.

She snatches the duffle bag and takes it to the bathroom. I follow her and lean on the doorjamb as I watch her dig through the bag.

"Where on earth did Olive get these?" she asks. It's hard to be sure, but from where I'm standing there seems to be an awful lot of lace in there. I suppress the urge to rub my hands together in glee.

"Sally," I tell her with a grin.

"Well that makes sense," she says as she yanks things out, one by one before looking up at me. "Put those dimples away, sir!" She shakes an adorable finger at me, making me smile harder.

"Why would I do that when I know how much you like them?" I ask her.

"Shameless," she mutters as she slips a pair of black silky panties up her legs, her hands disappearing under my t-shirt as she gets them situated. Shameless is right. I watch her hungrily, mentally calculating how long it's going to be until I can remove those with my teeth. Lilah is oblivious to her effect on me as she whips the shirt off and slips her arms through the straps of a black lace bra. "We should order you a new bed so we don't have to keep sleeping on the floor," she says as she reaches back to fasten the straps, thrusting her impressive rack my way.

My mouth goes dry, but I manage to respond. "Nah, it can wait. We're leaving."

Lilah's head whips up, a dress halfway up her arms. "What do you mean, leaving?" she asks.

"We are getting the hell out of this neighborhood. I got us a place down the road." I'm getting her away from all the crime scene tape and shitty memories of the last 24 hours. We can take the good ones with us.
