Page 61 of Mowed Over

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Chapter 36: Lilah

"We can't just leave," I argue. I mean, we can. It's not like money is an issue, but it seems silly to rent a whole other house when we can just order a new bed. I finish pulling the dress over my head. True to Sally's opinion of how I should dress, it's about half a foot too short but looks amazing. I've been enjoying the way Ben watches me while I get dressed. I swear he almost choked on his own tongue when I stripped out of his shirt. The man is like a constant ego boost between the gawking and little whimper he made when I looked over my shoulder at the mirror, smoothing the dress over my butt.

He doesn't push back, just smacks me on the butt and leaves the room. "Trust me," he calls over his shoulder as he heads towards the kitchen. I pull my snarled hair into a messy bun. I need a real shower, one with conditioner, and a brush to fix this mess, but Ben seems determined to go. I shrug at my reflection. What the hell? I'm up for a mini vacation. Especially if I get more alone time with Ben. This place better have an amazing shower and a sturdy bed frame. Ooh. Maybe a hot tub...

When I join him in the kitchen, he hands me his phone. "You need to call your grandma from the road. Olive talked her down, but she's worried about you."

Oh my god, of course she is! I think, putting my hand over my mouth. "How could I be so self-centered?" I whisper, guilt clutching at my chest.

"Honestly, Princess," Ben says as he touches my cheek. "I think maybe you were in shock. You were pretty out of it until we got into the shower. And then you were distracted." He wiggles his eyebrows, making me laugh. "She'll understand. She knew where you were and that you were safe. Olive had her under control. Just call her."

Ben picks up Frankie's cage and my duffle bag full of illicit Sally goodies. If he had any idea how much lingerie was in there, I doubt we'd be leaving the house. When we step outside, I'm hit with a wave of nausea. There are still two police cruisers on the street. A light is on inside my house, the front door propped open. Crime scene tape is fluttering in the breeze and as I stand frozen, looking at my house, I understand why we're leaving. I look back at Ben and smile sadly at him. His check twitches, pulling his mouth to the side in a sympathetic way. He knew it would make me unhappy to see this and that man would do anything to protect me, even if it's just renting us another place to stay for a bit.

Ben holds a hand out and I take it, turning away from a house that I know I'll never live in again. I only have a second to be sad because as we head towards the driveway, I'm distracted by the huge black monstrosity parked in the Jaguar's spot.

"Jesus pleasus! Where did that thing come from?" I ask.

Ben laughs and opens the passenger side door for me. "The dealership," he replies with an adorable smirk. "They dropped it off while you were sleeping." He looks excessively smug about this.

I hop in, and he kisses me before closing the door. He sets Frankie's cage in the seat behind mine, strapping a seat belt around it, and my heart nearly explodes. My ovaries aren't far behind either.

We drive south; the sunset casting long shadows over the vineyards as we drive by. Ben holds my hand in his, his thumb drawing little circles over the back of my hand as I talk to Gran. She alternates between chiding me for not taking my brothers seriously and weeping, telling me how grateful she is that I'm ok. She threatens to come get me if we don't make family dinner tomorrow night, and when Ben grins, I'm willing to bet he's already been on the receiving end of these threats.

I hang up as we pull into a driveway. A wooded lot surrounds a gorgeous green A-frame house. It's lit up from inside and a car is in the driveway. I give Ben a questioning look as a middle-aged woman in a pantsuit steps out of the front door. He grins at me and jumps out of the car. She approaches us, her high heels wobbling in the gravel. She smiles pleasantly at me before holding a set of keys out to Ben.

"You must be Mr. Clark. Everything you requested is inside and the paperwork is on the counter." She smiles at me. "Have a lovely evening, Mrs. Clark."

I open my mouth to correct her, but she's already tottering away on her 4-inch stilettos and I'm afraid to break her concentration, lest she snap an ankle. Ben smirks at me, not at all bothered by the realtor confusing me for his wife.

"Come inside," he tells me as he grabs our bags. I unbuckle Frankie and follow him to the front door. I know there must be vineyards all around us, but this little house feels like it was plucked out of fairyland. Ben holds the front door open for me and as soon as I cross the threshold, I'm hit by the smell of Pad Thai My stomach rumbles aggressively, reminding me that I've neglected it for far too long. Bags of takeout are perched on a coffee table in front of a giant squishy-looking leather couch. A bottle of champagne in an ice bucket and two glasses sit beside the bag.

Holy shit, this man gets me.

I set Frankie down and turn to kiss Ben, but he's on a knee in front of the door, our bags set aside. He has a ring box in his hand and the sight makes my breath catch in my chest. My hand goes to my mouth.

"Ben," I whisper. "When did you get that?"

He gives me the sweetest crooked smile I've ever seen and takes my hand in his. "That first morning I made you breakfast. You went to work, and I went ring shopping."

He clears his throat and straightens his glasses. "Lilah, I've loved you since I first laid eyes on you in that bar. I loved you covered in pickle juice. I loved you when you were drunk and chastising me in the middle of the night."

I laugh as a tear rolls down my cheek. His gaze is soft as he goes on, "I loved you with every touch, every kiss, and every word you spoke. The truth is, I didn’t know I was living in the dark until you gave me your light. I'll love you for as long as I live. I want to spend my life with you. I want to raise little Ben and Lilah babies with you and let them make us both a little crazy. I want to wake up to your smile every morning for the rest of my life."

I'm such a baby. Tears are streaming down my face like tiny rivers breaking their banks.

"Lilah Donovan, will you marry me?" Ben's voice is rough with emotion when he asks, and I feel it through every inch of my body. I'll never forget that sentence for as long as I live.

"Yes, oh my god, yes," I laugh through my tears. Ben stands and holds me in his arms as he kisses me breathless. He stops long enough to slip the ring on my finger. I'll have to appreciate it later because right now all I want is for him to hold me. I wrap my arms around his neck and jump into his arms. My legs wrap around his hips as his lips meet mine. This man will catch me every time.
