Page 28 of Mami

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I wish I could fly out to be with Alejandro right now, but it’s not possible—both financially and due to my current state of pregnancy.

Once again, I’m living off texts and anticipation. It’s a good thing both are frequent and potent, otherwise I might not survive.

The memories of our last encounter also help to keep me company, which are currently racing through my brain on a constant loop as I lie here in bed, contemplating getting up and actually doing something with my day or sleeping an extra hour or ten.

I feel my lips turn up at the corners as I remember Alejandro’s hands on my body, their heat and strength touching me everywhere. The sound of his voice, that smooth, sexy accent, those whispered words of Spanish in the dark as we moved together.

I stretch and wiggle around beneath the sheets, groaning my protest and lamenting that he’s not here to wrap me up in his warmth. I long for the taste of his lips on mine again. Memories are great, but they’re no substitute for the real thing.

My phone buzzes on the nightstand and I’m instantly awake and in a better mood than two cups of coffee could ever put me in.

I know exactly who it is.

A: Buenos dias Mami

Me: Good morning handsome

A: Sleep well?

Me: Mmm not as good as I do when you’re here

A: Did you dream of me?

Me: Always

A flood of hearts fills my screen. I return them along with every heart emoji available.

Me: You forgot to say good morning to the baby

Me: He’s kicking me he’s so mad

I’m teasing of course. The baby is always awake the instant I am. It’s as if he has some sort of sixth sense. Right now his feet are protruding from my left side, his head wedged against my right as he arches his body across the entire expanse of my stomach.

A: lol Tell him I said good morning

Me: Aha! So you finally admit he’s a boy

A: I did not say that lol

Me: Doesn’t matter. I’m always right.

A: Sure Mami

Me: Is that doubt I hear?

A: Not at all ;)

Me: Uh huh

Rolling sideways, I allow my feet to touch the floor before I attempt to stand fully. It’s always a struggle, this whole moving, walking, breathing thing. I’ll be glad when I can finally hold my little man in my arms instead of carrying him around on my bladder.

A sudden rush of wetness runs down my inner thighs when I’m finally upright, and for a minute I think I might have actually peed myself. It’s been close a few times, especially having had children before. My pelvic floor isn’t as in shape as it used to be, no matter how man Kegels I do. But I can feel that my bladder is still full.

Rushing to the bathroom, I relieve myself and when I’m still leaking fluid, I’m certain of what’s happened.

Retrieving my phone, I’m in a slight panic when I text Alejandro back.

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