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My girl.

That phrase doesn’t even come close to describing how I feel about Ava. I wasn’t expecting to find the girl of my dreams on a flight back from New York City, but one thing is for certain: Ava will be my wife before the end of the week. There is no doubt in my mind about it.

Now I just need to figure out how to convince her of this small bit of information.



“Well, shit,” I say to my reflection, bracing my arms on either side of the sink.

My eyes widen at the slightly purple marks across my collarbone where Callen nipped at my skin.

He said he wanted to mark me, to show everyone that I belong to him, and mark me he did. This type of caveman behavior should be a turnoff, a bright red warning flag telling me to stay away, but instead, it turns me on. Knowing that he wants me in that kind of primal way leaves me with a need I’ve never experienced before.

Last night was more than sex. Callen made that perfectly clear in the way he caressed my skin and each time he pressed his lips to mine. He made me feel like I was the center of his world. I’d love nothing more than to believe he is ready to profess his undying love for me, but we know nothing about each other.

What the hell have I done?

I’ve always been the one to take care of everyone. The one with a good head on my shoulders and a plan. That isn’t a bad thing, but occasionally, I want to know someone is there to support me. To make sureIfeel cherished and loved. Don’t get me wrong, my grandparents have done everything in their power to support me in all my decisions in life, but for once, I want someone to cherish me and make my dreams come true.

Callen was the first person to ask me what I wanted. He sensed something in me that called out to him to be noticed, that needed to be protected at all costs. It’s a part of me I’ve tried to pretend doesn’t exist, that little voice in the back of my mind whispering that I could have my own dreams. That my parents’ death had nothing to do with me.

I shake my head, not wanting my mind wandering down that path, because it leads to nothing but heartache. The reality of the situation is, Callen may have feelings for me, but one night together doesn’t automatically mean forever.

Now that I have my feet firmly planted back on the ground, I reach into the shower and turn on the water. I wait a few minutes for it to heat before pulling open the shower door and stepping into the glass enclosure. I groan loudly as the warm water caresses my skin, loosening the tight muscles in my body. I quickly wash and hop out, grabbing a fluffy navy-blue bathrobe hanging on the back of the door and threading my arms through it.

I pad out of the room, the plush beige carpet squishing between my toes as I head down the stairs, vaguely remembering my way to the kitchen.

I stop dead in my tracks in the doorway to the kitchen, my eyes taking in the sight before me. Callen is standing in front of the stove, cooking something, but that’s not what has my attention. A pair of grey sweatpants hanging low around his waist. His chest and chiseled abs glisten in the sunlight streaming through the window. My mouth waters at the thought of dropping to my knees, running my tongue along each ridge as I make my way lower…

Callen turns toward me, his eyes roaming my body. “Fuck me.”

He growls, zeroing in on me standing in the doorway. A mixture of need and devotion swirls in his eyes as he storms toward me and takes my mouth in a punishing kiss.

This kiss is so different from every other kiss we’ve shared. His desire is clear, but there’s something else. A possessiveness that wasn’t there before. He told me last night that I was his, but I thought it was just spur of the moment, something he said because he got carried away. Yet after this kiss, I have a feeling he meant every word, and that scares the hell out of me.

We break apart with a gasp.

“Breakfast?” I blurt out, needing to put some space between Callen and me.

I need time to think and get my head back on straight. Which I can’t do with him this close. This man is seriously bad for my health. Instead of focusing on my upcoming classes, I have hearts in my eyes with plans to spend forever right here, wrapped in Callen’s arms.

No. I can’t be distracted.

“Of course.” Callen clears his throat, turning back toward the stove. “There are already some things laid out on the table. Eat as much as you like.”

A carafe of juice sits in the center of the table, along with a vase full of wildflowers. A large bowl of fruit is on the other side next to a platter of pancakes.

I pull out a chair and take a seat. “Pancakes. My favorite.”

I have a plan for my life. Having moved to a new town, of course I’d get slightly attached to the first man who showed me any attention. And of course, I’d get addicted to how he makes me feel after spending just one night with him. After going so long without sex, it’s only natural. It’s just an infatuation and nothing more.

Keep telling yourself that.

We eat in relative silence; the only sound is the scraping of our utensils on the dishes. I don’t know what he’s expecting to come from our little tryst last night, but I’m not looking for a relationship right now. I need to stay focused on my plans for the future. Hell, I’ve only been in town for two days.

“What are your plans for the day?” Callen asks, interrupting my internal musings.
