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“Never been more sure,” I said, gazing intently at her. “So! How went the first day?”

“Ah! Archie! It was incredible!” she gushed. I realized I was smiling just as widely as she was, her joy infectious. “Everyone was so nice! They loved the samples! I can’t believe how much stuff I sold just from the foot traffic alone! I was wondering if I’d have to do some advertising, but for now I don’t think I’ll even need to do that!”

“I knew it would go well,” I purred, squeezing her hand. “Did I not tell you so the other night? I hope you realize you’ve found yourself a very clever orc,” I said.

Laughter exploded from her throat, and my gaze caressed her pulsing neck.

“Ah, yes. Clever. Telepathic, too, if he’s to be believed. Andverymodest.”

“I prefer honesty over modesty,” I said, lifting my chin. Then, more seriously, “I’m beyond proud of you, Maggie.”

Maggie’s laughter faded, her lips parting.

Her voice cracked when she said, “Thank you.”

Mountains and valleys, she was too lovely. I wanted her too much. My jaw tightened, and I grazed my fingertips along the sides of her jaw. I caught a stray curl between my thumb and forefinger, stroking it reverently.

“Did you manage to get some sleep earlier?” she asked softly. The concern in her voice, the kindness of it, went straight to my cock. It lurched in my trousers.

“I did,” I said, rather hoarsely. “After some... necessary adjustments.”

Adjustments. Ha! That was quite the euphemism for desperately tugging on my swollen erection while panting in a lovesick haze over the woman before me now.

“That’s good,” she murmured, her eyes meeting mine from below the thick fringe of her lashes. “So, you’re not too tired right now?”

My heart galloped.

“Not at all,” I rasped. “Are you? It’s been a long and busy day for you.”

“It has been. But there’s one thing that would make this day even more perfect,” she replied, tilting her head coquettishly.

Merciful moons, I would give her whatever she wanted. She could ask to pull out my tusks with a rusty set of pliers and I’d let her.

“Kiss me again,” she whispered.

I didn’t need any more invitation than that.
